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1.2.1 (stable)
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HTTP Logging

DuckDB supports HTTP logging. To enable it, set the enable_http_logging option to true:

SET enable_http_logging = true;

To disable logging, run:

SET enable_http_logging = false;

The logging can be redirected to a file using the http_logging_output configuration option:

SET http_logging_output = 'http-log.txt';

Logging File Access

The logger logs the HTTP requests for file access operations. For example, if we query the full content of the https://blobs.duckdb.org/stations.parquet file (29 kB), the logger prints four HTTP Request–Response pairs:

SET enable_http_logging = true;
FROM 'https://blobs.duckdb.org/stations.parquet';
HTTP Request:
	HEAD /stations.parquet
	Accept: */*
	Host: blobs.duckdb.org
	User-Agent: cpp-httplib/0.14.3

HTTP Response:
	200 OK

HTTP Request:
	GET /stations.parquet
	Accept: */*
	Host: blobs.duckdb.org
	Range: bytes=29204-29211
	User-Agent: cpp-httplib/0.14.3

HTTP Response:
	206 Partial Content


Logging Extension Installs

The logging also works for installing extensions. For example:

SET enable_http_logging = true;
HTTP Request:
	GET /v1.2.1/osx_arm64/vss.duckdb_extension.gz

HTTP Response:
	200 OK
	Accept-Ranges: bytes

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