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1.2.1 (stable)
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Advanced Installation Methods

Downloading Extensions Directly from S3

Downloading an extension directly can be helpful when building a Lambda service or container that uses DuckDB. DuckDB extensions are stored in public S3 buckets, but the directory structure of those buckets is not searchable. As a result, a direct URL to the file must be used. To download an extension file directly, use the following format:


For example:


Installing an Extension from an Explicit Path

The INSTALL command can be used with the path to a .duckdb_extension file:

INSTALL 'path/to/httpfs.duckdb_extension';

Note that compressed .duckdb_extension.gz files need to be decompressed beforehand. It is also possible to specify remote paths.

Loading an Extension from an Explicit Path

LOAD can be used with the path to a .duckdb_extension. For example, if the file was available at the (relative) path path/to/httpfs.duckdb_extension, you can load it as follows:

LOAD 'path/to/httpfs.duckdb_extension';

This will skip any currently installed extensions and load the specified extension directly.

Note that using remote paths for compressed files is currently not possible.

Building and Installing Extensions from Source

For building and installing extensions from source, see the Building DuckkDB guide.

Statically Linking Extensions

To statically link extensions, follow the developer documentation's “Using extension config files” section.