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SQLite Import

To run a query directly on a SQLite file, the sqlite extension is required.

Installation and Loading

The extension can be installed using the INSTALL SQL command. This only needs to be run once.

INSTALL sqlite;

To load the sqlite extension for usage, use the LOAD SQL command:

LOAD sqlite;


After the SQLite extension is installed, tables can be queried from SQLite using the sqlite_scan function:

-- Scan the table "tbl_name" from the SQLite file "test.db"
SELECT * FROM sqlite_scan('test.db', 'tbl_name');

Alternatively, the entire file can be attached using the ATTACH command. This allows you to query all tables stored within a SQLite database file as if they were a regular database.

-- Attach the SQLite file "test.db"
ATTACH 'test.db' AS test (TYPE sqlite);
-- The table "tbl_name" can now be queried as if it is a regular table
SELECT * FROM test.tbl_name;
-- Switch the active database to "test"
USE test;
-- List all tables in the file

For more information see the SQLite extension documentation.