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Rust Client


The DuckDB Rust client can be installed from crates.io. Please see the docs.rs for details.

Basic API Usage

duckdb-rs is an ergonomic wrapper based on the DuckDB C API, please refer to the README for details.

Startup & Shutdown

To use duckdb, you must first initialize a Connection handle using Connection::open(). Connection::open() takes as parameter the database file to read and write from. If the database file does not exist, it will be created (the file extension may be .db, .duckdb, or anything else). You can also use Connection::open_in_memory() to create an in-memory database. Note that for an in-memory database no data is persisted to disk (i.e., all data is lost when you exit the process).

use duckdb::{params, Connection, Result};
let conn = Connection::open_in_memory()?;

The Connection will automatically close the underlying db connection for you when it goes out of scope (via Drop). You can also explicitly close the Connection with conn.close(). This is not much difference between these in the typical case, but in case there is an error, you'll have the chance to handle it with the explicit close.


SQL queries can be sent to DuckDB using the execute() method of connections, or we can also prepare the statement and then query on that.

struct Person {
    id: i32,
    name: String,
    data: Option<Vec<u8>>,

    "INSERT INTO person (name, data) VALUES (?, ?)",
    params![me.name, me.data],

let mut stmt = conn.prepare("SELECT id, name, data FROM person")?;
let person_iter = stmt.query_map([], |row| {
    Ok(Person {
        id: row.get(0)?,
        name: row.get(1)?,
        data: row.get(2)?,

for person in person_iter {
    println!("Found person {:?}", person.unwrap());


The Rust client supports the DuckDB Appender API for bulk inserts. For example:

fn insert_rows(conn: &Connection) -> Result<()> {
    let mut app = conn.appender("foo")?;
    app.append_rows([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8], [9, 10]])?;