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List of Community Extensions

All the available Community Extensions are listed below, clicking on any of them will take you to their respective documentation page.

Name GitHub Description
avro GitHub Read Apache Avro (TM) files from DuckDB
bigquery GitHub Integrates DuckDB with Google BigQuery, allowing direct querying and management of BigQuery datasets
blockduck GitHub Live SQL Queries on Blockchain
capi_quack GitHub Provides a hello world example demo from the C/C++ C API template
chsql GitHub ClickHouse SQL Macros for DuckDB
chsql_native GitHub ClickHouse Native Client & File Reader for chsql
cronjob GitHub DuckDB HTTP Cronjob Extension
crypto GitHub Cryptographic hash functions and HMAC
datasketches GitHub By utilizing the Apache DataSketches library this extension can efficiently compute approximate distinct item counts and estimations of quantiles, while allowing the sketches to be serialized.
duckpgq GitHub Extension that adds support for SQL/PGQ and graph algorithms
evalexpr_rhai GitHub Evaluate the Rhai scripting language in DuckDB
faiss GitHub Provides a subset of the faiss API to DuckDB
flockmtl GitHub LLM & RAG extension to combine analytics and semantic analysis
fuzzycomplete GitHub Fuzzy matching based autocompletion
gsheets GitHub Read and write Google Sheets using SQL
h3 GitHub Hierarchical hexagonal indexing for geospatial data
hostfs GitHub Navigate and explore the filesystem using SQL
http_client GitHub DuckDB HTTP Client Extension
httpserver GitHub DuckDB HTTP API Server Extension
lindel GitHub Linearization/Delinearization, Z-Order, Hilbert and Morton Curves
magic GitHub libmagic/file utilities ported to DuckDB
open_prompt GitHub Interact with LLMs with a simple DuckDB Extension
pcap_reader GitHub Read PCAP files from DuckDB
pivot_table GitHub Provides a spreadsheet-style pivot_table function
prql GitHub Support for PRQL, the Pipelined Relational Query Language
psql GitHub Support for PSQL, a piped SQL dialect for DuckDB
pyroscope GitHub DuckDB Pyroscope Extension for Continuous Profiling
quack GitHub Provides a hello world example demo
rusty_quack GitHub Provides a hello world example demo from the Rust-based extension template
scrooge GitHub Provides functionality for financial data-analysis, including data scanners for the Ethereum Blockchain and Yahoo Finance
sheetreader GitHub Fast XLSX file importer
shellfs GitHub Allow shell commands to be used for input and output
tarfs GitHub glob, open and read files within .tar archives
tsid GitHub DuckDB Time-Sortable ID generator
ulid GitHub ULID data type for DuckDB
webmacro GitHub Load DuckDB Macros from the web
zipfs GitHub Read files within zip archives