This page lists the Community Extensions available for the latest stable DuckDB release (v1.2.1).
Note that Community Extensions that support old DuckDB releases are currently not listed.
Please check the community-extensions
GitHub repository for a complete list including legacy extensions.
Name | GitHub | Description |
avro | GitHub | Read Apache Avro (TM) files from DuckDB |
bigquery | GitHub | Integrates DuckDB with Google BigQuery, allowing direct querying and management of BigQuery datasets |
blockduck | GitHub | Live SQL Queries on Blockchain |
cache_httpfs | GitHub | Read cached filesystem for httpfs |
capi_quack | GitHub | Provides a hello world example demo from the C/C++ C API template |
chsql | GitHub | ClickHouse SQL Macros for DuckDB |
cronjob | GitHub | DuckDB HTTP Cronjob Extension |
crypto | GitHub | Cryptographic hash functions and HMAC |
datasketches | GitHub | By utilizing the Apache DataSketches library this extension can efficiently compute approximate distinct item counts and estimations of quantiles, while allowing the sketches to be serialized. |
duckpgq | GitHub | Extension that adds support for SQL/PGQ and graph algorithms |
evalexpr_rhai | GitHub | Evaluate the Rhai scripting language in DuckDB |
faiss | GitHub | Provides access to faiss indices from DuckDB. |
flockmtl | GitHub | LLM & RAG extension to combine analytics and semantic analysis |
fuzzycomplete | GitHub | Fuzzy matching based autocompletion |
geography | GitHub | Global spatial data processing on the sphere |
gsheets | GitHub | Read and write Google Sheets using SQL |
h3 | GitHub | Hierarchical hexagonal indexing for geospatial data |
hostfs | GitHub | Navigate and explore the filesystem using SQL |
http_client | GitHub | DuckDB HTTP Client Extension |
httpserver | GitHub | DuckDB HTTP API Server Extension |
lindel | GitHub | Linearization/Delinearization, Z-Order, Hilbert and Morton Curves |
magic | GitHub | libmagic/file utilities ported to DuckDB |
nanoarrow | GitHub | Allows the consumption and production of the Apache Arrow interprocess communication (IPC) format, both from files and directly from stream buffers. |
netquack | GitHub | DuckDB extension for parsing, extracting, and analyzing domains, URIs, and paths with ease. |
open_prompt | GitHub | Interact with LLMs with a simple DuckDB Extension |
pivot_table | GitHub | Provides a spreadsheet-style pivot_table function |
prql | GitHub | Support for PRQL, the Pipelined Relational Query Language |
psql | GitHub | Support for PSQL, a piped SQL dialect for DuckDB |
quack | GitHub | Provides a hello world example demo |
read_stat | GitHub | Read data sets from SAS, Stata, and SPSS with ReadStat |
sheetreader | GitHub | Fast XLSX file importer |
shellfs | GitHub | Allow shell commands to be used for input and output |
substrait | GitHub | Allows conversion execution of Substrait query plans |
tsid | GitHub | DuckDB Time-Sortable ID generator |
ulid | GitHub | ULID data type for DuckDB |
webmacro | GitHub | Load DuckDB Macros from the web |
zipfs | GitHub | Read files within zip archives |