All the available Community Extensions are listed below, clicking on any of them will take you to their respective documentation page.
Name | GitHub | Description |
avro | GitHub | Read Apache Avro (TM) files from DuckDB |
bigquery | GitHub | Integrates DuckDB with Google BigQuery, allowing direct querying and management of BigQuery datasets |
blockduck | GitHub | Live SQL Queries on Blockchain |
capi_quack | GitHub | Provides a hello world example demo from the C/C++ C API template |
chsql | GitHub | ClickHouse SQL Macros for DuckDB |
chsql_native | GitHub | ClickHouse Native Client & File Reader for chsql |
cronjob | GitHub | DuckDB HTTP Cronjob Extension |
crypto | GitHub | Cryptographic hash functions and HMAC |
datasketches | GitHub | By utilizing the Apache DataSketches library this extension can efficiently compute approximate distinct item counts and estimations of quantiles, while allowing the sketches to be serialized. |
duckpgq | GitHub | Extension that adds support for SQL/PGQ and graph algorithms |
evalexpr_rhai | GitHub | Evaluate the Rhai scripting language in DuckDB |
faiss | GitHub | Provides a subset of the faiss API to DuckDB |
flockmtl | GitHub | LLM & RAG extension to combine analytics and semantic analysis |
fuzzycomplete | GitHub | Fuzzy matching based autocompletion |
gsheets | GitHub | Read and write Google Sheets using SQL |
h3 | GitHub | Hierarchical hexagonal indexing for geospatial data |
hostfs | GitHub | Navigate and explore the filesystem using SQL |
http_client | GitHub | DuckDB HTTP Client Extension |
httpserver | GitHub | DuckDB HTTP API Server Extension |
lindel | GitHub | Linearization/Delinearization, Z-Order, Hilbert and Morton Curves |
magic | GitHub | libmagic/file utilities ported to DuckDB |
open_prompt | GitHub | Interact with LLMs with a simple DuckDB Extension |
pcap_reader | GitHub | Read PCAP files from DuckDB |
pivot_table | GitHub | Provides a spreadsheet-style pivot_table function |
prql | GitHub | Support for PRQL, the Pipelined Relational Query Language |
psql | GitHub | Support for PSQL, a piped SQL dialect for DuckDB |
pyroscope | GitHub | DuckDB Pyroscope Extension for Continuous Profiling |
quack | GitHub | Provides a hello world example demo |
rusty_quack | GitHub | Provides a hello world example demo from the Rust-based extension template |
scrooge | GitHub | Provides functionality for financial data-analysis, including data scanners for the Ethereum Blockchain and Yahoo Finance |
sheetreader | GitHub | Fast XLSX file importer |
shellfs | GitHub | Allow shell commands to be used for input and output |
tarfs | GitHub | glob, open and read files within .tar archives |
tsid | GitHub | DuckDB Time-Sortable ID generator |
ulid | GitHub | ULID data type for DuckDB |
webmacro | GitHub | Load DuckDB Macros from the web |
zipfs | GitHub | Read files within zip archives |