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DuckDB extension for parsing, extracting, and analyzing domains, URIs, and paths with ease.

Maintainer(s): hatamiarash7

Installing and Loading

INSTALL netquack FROM community;
LOAD netquack;

About netquack

This extension designed to simplify working with domains, URIs, and web paths directly within your database queries. Whether you're extracting top-level domains (TLDs), parsing URI components, or analyzing web paths, Netquack provides a suite of intuitive functions to handle all your network tasks efficiently. Built for data engineers, analysts, and developers.

With Netquack, you can unlock deeper insights from your web-related datasets without the need for external tools or complex workflows.

Check the documentation for more details and examples on each function.

Added Functions

function_name function_type description comment examples
extract_domain scalar Extracting the main domain from a URL NULL [SELECT extract_domain('') as domain;]
extract_host scalar Extracting the hostname from a URL NULL [SELECT extract_host('') as host;]
extract_path scalar Extracting the path from a URL NULL [SELECT extract_path('') as path;]
extract_query_string scalar Extracting the query string from a URL NULL [SELECT extract_query_string('') as query;]
extract_schema scalar Extracting the schema from a URL NULL [SELECT extract_schema('mailto:[email protected]') as schema;]
extract_subdomain scalar Extracting the subdomain from a URL NULL [SELECT extract_subdomain('') as dns_record;]
extract_tld scalar Extracting the top-level domain from a URL NULL [SELECT extract_tld('') as tld;]
get_tranco_rank scalar Getting the Tranco rank of a domain NULL [SELECT get_tranco_rank('') as rank;]
update_suffixes scalar Update public suffixes NULL [SELECT update_suffixes();]
update_tranco scalar Update tranco data NULL [SELECT update_tranco(true);]