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Read data sets from SAS, Stata, and SPSS with ReadStat

Maintainer(s): mettekou

Installing and Loading

INSTALL read_stat FROM community;
LOAD read_stat;


-- Read a SAS `.sas7bdat` or `.xpt` file
FROM read_stat('sas_data.sas7bdat');
FROM read_stat('sas_data.xpt');
-- Read an SPSS `.sav`, `.zsav`, or `.por` file
FROM read_stat('spss_data.sav');
FROM read_stat('compressed_spss_data.zsav');
FROM read_stat('portable_spss_data.por');
-- Read a Stata .dta file
FROM read_stat('stata_data.dta');

-- If the file extension is not `.sas7bdat`, `.xpt`, `.sav`, `.zsav`, `.por`, or `.dta`,
-- use the `read_stat` function for the right file type with the `format` parameter:
FROM read_stat('sas_data.other_extension', format = 'sas7bdat');
FROM read_stat('sas_data.other_extension', format = 'xpt');
-- SPSS `.sav` and `.zsav` can both be read through the format `'sav'`
FROM read_stat(
    format = 'sav'
FROM read_stat('portable_spss_data.other_extension', format = 'por');
FROM read_stat('stata_data.other_extension', format = 'dta');

-- Override the character encoding with an `iconv`` encoding name,
-- see
CREATE TABLE other_data AS FROM read_stat('latin1_encoded.sas7bdat', encoding = 'iso-8859-1');

About read_stat



Name Description Type Default
format The format of the input file, when its extension does not indicate it, either 'sas7bdat', 'xpt', 'sav', 'por', or 'dta' VARCHAR NULL
encoding The character encoding of the input file, as defined by iconv, see VARCHAR NULL

Added Functions

function_name function_type description comment examples
read_stat table NULL NULL []