Search Shortcut cmd + k | ctrl + k

Provides a subset of the faiss API to DuckDB

Maintainer(s): JAicewizard, arjenpdevries

Installing and Loading

INSTALL faiss FROM community;
LOAD faiss;


-- Generate semi-random input data and queries
-- Note that the dimensionality of our data will be 5
CREATE TABLE input AS SELECT i AS id, apply(generate_series(1, 5), j-> CAST(hash(i*1000+j) AS FLOAT)/18446744073709551615) AS data FROM generate_series(1, 1000) s(i);
CREATE TABLE queries AS SELECT i AS id, apply(generate_series(1, 5), j-> CAST(hash(i*1000+j+8047329823) AS FLOAT)/18446744073709551615) AS data FROM generate_series(1, 10) s(i);
-- Create the index and insert data into it
CALL FAISS_CREATE('name', 5, 'IDMap,HNSW32');
CALL FAISS_ADD((SELECT id, data FROM input), 'name');
-- Get 10 results with uneven id
SELECT id, UNNEST(FAISS_SEARCH_FILTER('name', 10, data, 'id%2==1', 'rowid', 'input')) FROM queries;
-- Get 10 results with even id
SELECT id, UNNEST(FAISS_SEARCH_FILTER('name', 10, data, 'id%2==0', 'rowid', 'input')) FROM queries;
-- Get 10 results
SELECT id, UNNEST(FAISS_SEARCH('name', 10, data)) FROM queries;

About faiss

The FAISS extension allows DuckDB users to store vector data in faiss, and query this data, making reliable vector search more accessible.

Added Functions

function_name function_type description comment example
__faiss_create_mask table      
faiss_add table      
faiss_create table      
faiss_create_params table      
faiss_destroy table      
faiss_load table      
faiss_manual_train table      
faiss_save table      
faiss_search scalar      
faiss_search_filter scalar      
faiss_search_filter_set scalar