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LLM & RAG extension to combine analytics and semantic analysis

Maintainer(s): dorbanianas

Installing and Loading

INSTALL flockmtl FROM community;
LOAD flockmtl;


-- After loading, any function call will throw an error if the provider's secret doesn't exist

-- Create your provider secret by following the [documentation]( For example, you can create a default OpenAI API key as follows:

-- Call an OpenAI model with a predefined prompt ('Tell me hello world') and default model ('gpt-4o-mini')
D SELECT llm_complete({'model_name': 'default'}, {'prompt_name': 'hello-world'});
 llm_complete(hello_world, default_model) 
                Hello world               

-- Check the prompts and supported models

-- Create a new prompt for summarizing text
D CREATE PROMPT('summarize', 'summarize the text into 1 word: {{text}}');

-- Create a variable name for the model to do the summarizing
D CREATE MODEL('summarizer-model', 'gpt-4o', {'context_window': 128000, 'max_output_tokens': 16400});

-- Summarize text and pass it as parameter 
D SELECT llm_complete({'model_name': 'summarizer-model'}, {'prompt_name': 'summarize'}, {'text': 'We support more functions and approaches to combine relational analytics and semantic analysis. Check our repo for documentation and examples.'});

About flockmtl

This extension is experimental and potentially unstable. Do not use it in production.

Added Functions

function_name function_type description comment examples
fusion_relative scalar NULL NULL []
llm_complete scalar NULL NULL []
llm_complete_json scalar NULL NULL []
llm_embedding scalar NULL NULL []
llm_filter scalar NULL NULL []
llm_first aggregate NULL NULL []
llm_last aggregate NULL NULL []
llm_reduce aggregate NULL NULL []
llm_reduce_json aggregate NULL NULL []
llm_rerank aggregate NULL NULL []

Overloaded Functions

function_name function_type description comment examples
array_append macro NULL NULL []
array_intersect macro NULL NULL []
array_pop_back macro NULL NULL []
array_pop_front macro NULL NULL []
array_prepend macro NULL NULL []
array_push_back macro NULL NULL []
array_push_front macro NULL NULL []
array_reverse macro NULL NULL []
array_to_string macro NULL NULL []
array_to_string_comma_default macro NULL NULL []
current_catalog macro NULL NULL []
current_role macro NULL NULL []
current_user macro NULL NULL []
date_add macro NULL NULL []
fdiv macro NULL NULL []
fmod macro NULL NULL []
generate_subscripts macro NULL NULL []
geomean macro NULL NULL []
geometric_mean macro NULL NULL []
get_block_size macro NULL NULL []
histogram table_macro NULL NULL []
histogram_values table_macro NULL NULL []
list_any_value macro NULL NULL []
list_append macro NULL NULL []
list_approx_count_distinct macro NULL NULL []
list_avg macro NULL NULL []
list_bit_and macro NULL NULL []
list_bit_or macro NULL NULL []
list_bit_xor macro NULL NULL []
list_bool_and macro NULL NULL []
list_bool_or macro NULL NULL []
list_count macro NULL NULL []
list_entropy macro NULL NULL []
list_first macro NULL NULL []
list_histogram macro NULL NULL []
list_intersect macro NULL NULL []
list_kurtosis macro NULL NULL []
list_kurtosis_pop macro NULL NULL []
list_last macro NULL NULL []
list_mad macro NULL NULL []
list_max macro NULL NULL []
list_median macro NULL NULL []
list_min macro NULL NULL []
list_mode macro NULL NULL []
list_prepend macro NULL NULL []
list_product macro NULL NULL []
list_reverse macro NULL NULL []
list_sem macro NULL NULL []
list_skewness macro NULL NULL []
list_stddev_pop macro NULL NULL []
list_stddev_samp macro NULL NULL []
list_string_agg macro NULL NULL []
list_sum macro NULL NULL []
list_var_pop macro NULL NULL []
list_var_samp macro NULL NULL []
map_contains_entry macro NULL NULL []
map_contains_value macro NULL NULL []
md5_number_lower macro NULL NULL []
md5_number_upper macro NULL NULL []
nullif macro NULL NULL []
regexp_split_to_table macro NULL NULL []
round_even macro NULL NULL []
roundbankers macro NULL NULL []
session_user macro NULL NULL []
split_part macro NULL NULL []
user macro NULL NULL []
wavg macro NULL NULL []
weighted_avg macro NULL NULL []