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1.2.1 (stable)
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Index Types

DuckDB has two built-in index types. Indexes can also be defined via extensions.

Min-Max Index (Zonemap)

A min-max index (also known as zonemap or block range index) is automatically created for columns of all general-purpose data types.

Adaptive Radix Tree (ART)

An Adaptive Radix Tree (ART) is mainly used to ensure primary key constraints and to speed up point and very highly selective (i.e., < 0.1%) queries. ART indexes can be created manually using CREATE INDEX clause and they are automatically created for columns with a UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY constraint.

Warning ART indexes must currently be able to fit in memory during index creation. Avoid creating ART indexes if the index does not fit in memory during index creation.

Indexes Defined by Extensions

DuckDB supports R-trees for spatial indexing via the spatial extension.


Both min-max indexes and ART indexes are persisted on disk.


To create an ART index, use the CREATE INDEX statement. To drop an ART index, use the DROP INDEX statement.

Limitations of ART Indexes

ART indexes create a secondary copy of the data in a second location – this complicates processing, particularly when combined with transactions. Certain limitations apply when it comes to modifying data that is also stored in secondary indexes.

As expected, indexes have a strong effect on performance, slowing down loading and updates, but speeding up certain queries. Please consult the Performance Guide for details.

Constraint Checking in UPDATE Statements

UPDATE statements on indexed columns and columns that cannot be updated in place are transformed into a DELETE of the original row followed by an INSERT of the updated row. This rewrite has performance implications, particularly for wide tables, as entire rows are rewritten instead of only the affected columns.

Additionally, it causes the following constraint-checking limitation of UPDATE statements. The same limitation exists in other DBMSs, like PostgreSQL.

In the example below, note how the number of rows exceeds DuckDB's standard vector size, which is 2048. The UPDATE statement is rewritten into a DELETE, followed by an INSERT. This rewrite happens per chunk of data (2048 rows) moving through DuckDB's processing pipeline. When updating i = 2047 to i = 2048, we do not yet know that 2048 becomes 2049, and so forth. That is because we have not yet seen that chunk. Thus, we throw a constraint violation.

INSERT INTO my_table SELECT range FROM range(3_000);
UPDATE my_table SET i = i + 1;
Constraint Error:
Duplicate key "i: 2048" violates primary key constraint.

A workaround is to split the UPDATE into a DELETE ... RETURNING ... followed by an INSERT. Both statements should be run inside a transaction via BEGIN, and eventually COMMIT.

Over-Eager Constraint Checking in Foreign Keys

This limitation occurs if you meet the following conditions:

  • A table has a FOREIGN KEY constraint.
  • There is an UPDATE on the corresponding PRIMARY KEY table, which DuckDB rewrites into a DELETE followed by an INSERT.
  • The to-be-deleted row exists in the foreign key table.

If these hold, you'll encounter an unexpected constraint violation:

INSERT INTO pk_table VALUES (1, ['hello']);
CREATE TABLE fk_table (id INTEGER REFERENCES pk_table(id));
INSERT INTO fk_table VALUES (1);
UPDATE pk_table SET payload = ['world'] WHERE id = 1;
Constraint Error:
Violates foreign key constraint because key "id: 1" is still referenced by a foreign key in a different table. If this is an unexpected constraint violation, please refer to our foreign key limitations in the documentation

The reason for this is because DuckDB does not yet support “looking ahead”. During the INSERT, it is unaware it will reinsert the foreign key value as part of the UPDATE rewrite.