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ADBC Client

Arrow Database Connectivity (ADBC), similarly to ODBC and JDBC, is a C-style API that enables code portability between different database systems. This allows developers to effortlessly build applications that communicate with database systems without using code specific to that system. The main difference between ADBC and ODBC/JDBC is that ADBC uses Arrow to transfer data between the database system and the application. DuckDB has an ADBC driver, which takes advantage of the zero-copy integration between DuckDB and Arrow to efficiently transfer data.

DuckDB's ADBC driver currently supports version 0.7 of ADBC.

Please refer to the ADBC documentation page for a more extensive discussion on ADBC and a detailed API explanation.

Implemented Functionality

The DuckDB-ADBC driver implements the full ADBC specification, with the exception of the ConnectionReadPartition and StatementExecutePartitions functions. Both of these functions exist to support systems that internally partition the query results, which does not apply to DuckDB. In this section, we will describe the main functions that exist in ADBC, along with the arguments they take and provide examples for each function.


Set of functions that operate on a database.

Function name Description Arguments Example
DatabaseNew Allocate a new (but uninitialized) database. (AdbcDatabase *database, AdbcError *error) AdbcDatabaseNew(&adbc_database, &adbc_error)
DatabaseSetOption Set a char* option. (AdbcDatabase *database, const char *key, const char *value, AdbcError *error) AdbcDatabaseSetOption(&adbc_database, "path", "test.db", &adbc_error)
DatabaseInit Finish setting options and initialize the database. (AdbcDatabase *database, AdbcError *error) AdbcDatabaseInit(&adbc_database, &adbc_error)
DatabaseRelease Destroy the database. (AdbcDatabase *database, AdbcError *error) AdbcDatabaseRelease(&adbc_database, &adbc_error)


A set of functions that create and destroy a connection to interact with a database.

Function name Description Arguments Example
ConnectionNew Allocate a new (but uninitialized) connection. (AdbcConnection*, AdbcError*) AdbcConnectionNew(&adbc_connection, &adbc_error)
ConnectionSetOption Options may be set before ConnectionInit. (AdbcConnection*, const char*, const char*, AdbcError*) AdbcConnectionSetOption(&adbc_connection, ADBC_CONNECTION_OPTION_AUTOCOMMIT, ADBC_OPTION_VALUE_DISABLED, &adbc_error)
ConnectionInit Finish setting options and initialize the connection. (AdbcConnection*, AdbcDatabase*, AdbcError*) AdbcConnectionInit(&adbc_connection, &adbc_database, &adbc_error)
ConnectionRelease Destroy this connection. (AdbcConnection*, AdbcError*) AdbcConnectionRelease(&adbc_connection, &adbc_error)

A set of functions that retrieve metadata about the database. In general, these functions will return Arrow objects, specifically an ArrowArrayStream.

Function name Description Arguments Example
ConnectionGetObjects Get a hierarchical view of all catalogs, database schemas, tables, and columns. (AdbcConnection*, int, const char*, const char*, const char*, const char**, const char*, ArrowArrayStream*, AdbcError*) AdbcDatabaseInit(&adbc_database, &adbc_error)
ConnectionGetTableSchema Get the Arrow schema of a table. (AdbcConnection*, const char*, const char*, const char*, ArrowSchema*, AdbcError*) AdbcDatabaseRelease(&adbc_database, &adbc_error)
ConnectionGetTableTypes Get a list of table types in the database. (AdbcConnection*, ArrowArrayStream*, AdbcError*) AdbcDatabaseNew(&adbc_database, &adbc_error)

A set of functions with transaction semantics for the connection. By default, all connections start with auto-commit mode on, but this can be turned off via the ConnectionSetOption function.

Function name Description Arguments Example
ConnectionCommit Commit any pending transactions. (AdbcConnection*, AdbcError*) AdbcConnectionCommit(&adbc_connection, &adbc_error)
ConnectionRollback Rollback any pending transactions. (AdbcConnection*, AdbcError*) AdbcConnectionRollback(&adbc_connection, &adbc_error)


Statements hold state related to query execution. They represent both one-off queries and prepared statements. They can be reused; however, doing so will invalidate prior result sets from that statement.

The functions used to create, destroy, and set options for a statement:

Function name Description Arguments Example
StatementNew Create a new statement for a given connection. (AdbcConnection*, AdbcStatement*, AdbcError*) AdbcStatementNew(&adbc_connection, &adbc_statement, &adbc_error)
StatementRelease Destroy a statement. (AdbcStatement*, AdbcError*) AdbcStatementRelease(&adbc_statement, &adbc_error)
StatementSetOption Set a string option on a statement. (AdbcStatement*, const char*, const char*, AdbcError*) StatementSetOption(&adbc_statement, ADBC_INGEST_OPTION_TARGET_TABLE, "TABLE_NAME", &adbc_error)

Functions related to query execution:

Function name Description Arguments Example
StatementSetSqlQuery Set the SQL query to execute. The query can then be executed with StatementExecuteQuery. (AdbcStatement*, const char*, AdbcError*) AdbcStatementSetSqlQuery(&adbc_statement, "SELECT * FROM TABLE", &adbc_error)
StatementSetSubstraitPlan Set a substrait plan to execute. The query can then be executed with StatementExecuteQuery. (AdbcStatement*, const uint8_t*, size_t, AdbcError*) AdbcStatementSetSubstraitPlan(&adbc_statement, substrait_plan, length, &adbc_error)
StatementExecuteQuery Execute a statement and get the results. (AdbcStatement*, ArrowArrayStream*, int64_t*, AdbcError*) AdbcStatementExecuteQuery(&adbc_statement, &arrow_stream, &rows_affected, &adbc_error)
StatementPrepare Turn this statement into a prepared statement to be executed multiple times. (AdbcStatement*, AdbcError*) AdbcStatementPrepare(&adbc_statement, &adbc_error)

Functions related to binding, used for bulk insertion or in prepared statements.

Function name Description Arguments Example
StatementBindStream Bind Arrow Stream. This can be used for bulk inserts or prepared statements. (AdbcStatement*, ArrowArrayStream*, AdbcError*) StatementBindStream(&adbc_statement, &input_data, &adbc_error)


Regardless of the programming language being used, there are two database options which will be required to utilize ADBC with DuckDB. The first one is the driver, which takes a path to the DuckDB library. The second option is the entrypoint, which is an exported function from the DuckDB-ADBC driver that initializes all the ADBC functions. Once we have configured these two options, we can optionally set the path option, providing a path on disk to store our DuckDB database. If not set, an in-memory database is created. After configuring all the necessary options, we can proceed to initialize our database. Below is how you can do so with various different language environments.


We begin our C++ example by declaring the essential variables for querying data through ADBC. These variables include Error, Database, Connection, Statement handling, and an Arrow Stream to transfer data between DuckDB and the application.

AdbcError adbc_error;
AdbcDatabase adbc_database;
AdbcConnection adbc_connection;
AdbcStatement adbc_statement;
ArrowArrayStream arrow_stream;

We can then initialize our database variable. Before initializing the database, we need to set the driver and entrypoint options as mentioned above. Then we set the path option and initialize the database. With the example below, the string "path/to/libduckdb.dylib" should be the path to the dynamic library for DuckDB. This will be .dylib on macOS, and .so on Linux.

AdbcDatabaseNew(&adbc_database, &adbc_error);
AdbcDatabaseSetOption(&adbc_database, "driver", "path/to/libduckdb.dylib", &adbc_error);
AdbcDatabaseSetOption(&adbc_database, "entrypoint", "duckdb_adbc_init", &adbc_error);
// By default, we start an in-memory database, but you can optionally define a path to store it on disk.
AdbcDatabaseSetOption(&adbc_database, "path", "test.db", &adbc_error);
AdbcDatabaseInit(&adbc_database, &adbc_error);

After initializing the database, we must create and initialize a connection to it.

AdbcConnectionNew(&adbc_connection, &adbc_error);
AdbcConnectionInit(&adbc_connection, &adbc_database, &adbc_error);

We can now initialize our statement and run queries through our connection. After the AdbcStatementExecuteQuery the arrow_stream is populated with the result.

AdbcStatementNew(&adbc_connection, &adbc_statement, &adbc_error);
AdbcStatementSetSqlQuery(&adbc_statement, "SELECT 42", &adbc_error);
int64_t rows_affected;
AdbcStatementExecuteQuery(&adbc_statement, &arrow_stream, &rows_affected, &adbc_error);

Besides running queries, we can also ingest data via arrow_streams. For this we need to set an option with the table name we want to insert to, bind the stream and then execute the query.

StatementSetOption(&adbc_statement, ADBC_INGEST_OPTION_TARGET_TABLE, "AnswerToEverything", &adbc_error);
StatementBindStream(&adbc_statement, &arrow_stream, &adbc_error);
StatementExecuteQuery(&adbc_statement, nullptr, nullptr, &adbc_error);


The first thing to do is to use pip and install the ADBC Driver manager. You will also need to install the pyarrow to directly access Apache Arrow formatted result sets (such as using fetch_arrow_table).

pip install adbc_driver_manager pyarrow

For details on the adbc_driver_manager package, see the adbc_driver_manager package documentation.

As with C++, we need to provide initialization options consisting of the location of the libduckdb shared object and entrypoint function. Notice that the path argument for DuckDB is passed in through the db_kwargs dictionary.

import adbc_driver_duckdb.dbapi

with adbc_driver_duckdb.dbapi.connect("test.db") as conn, conn.cursor() as cur:
    cur.execute("SELECT 42")
    # fetch a pyarrow table
    tbl = cur.fetch_arrow_table()

Alongside fetch_arrow_table, other methods from DBApi are also implemented on the cursor, such as fetchone and fetchall. Data can also be ingested via arrow_streams. We just need to set options on the statement to bind the stream of data and execute the query.

import adbc_driver_duckdb.dbapi
import pyarrow

data = pyarrow.record_batch(
    [[1, 2, 3, 4], ["a", "b", "c", "d"]],
    names = ["ints", "strs"],

with adbc_driver_duckdb.dbapi.connect("test.db") as conn, conn.cursor() as cur:
    cur.adbc_ingest("AnswerToEverything", data)


Make sure to download the libduckdb library first (i.e., the .so on Linux, .dylib on Mac or .dll on Windows) from the releases page, and put it on your LD_LIBRARY_PATH before you run the code (but if you don't, the error will explain your options regarding the location of this file.)

The following example uses an in-memory DuckDB database to modify in-memory Arrow RecordBatches via SQL queries:

package main

import (


func _makeSampleArrowRecord() arrow.Record {
    b := array.NewFloat64Builder(memory.DefaultAllocator)
    b.AppendValues([]float64{1, 2, 3}, nil)
    col := b.NewArray()

    defer col.Release()
    defer b.Release()

    schema := arrow.NewSchema([]arrow.Field{{Name: "column1", Type: arrow.PrimitiveTypes.Float64}}, nil)
    return array.NewRecord(schema, []arrow.Array{col}, int64(col.Len()))

type DuckDBSQLRunner struct {
    ctx  context.Context
    conn adbc.Connection
    db   adbc.Database

func NewDuckDBSQLRunner(ctx context.Context) (*DuckDBSQLRunner, error) {
    var drv drivermgr.Driver
    db, err := drv.NewDatabase(map[string]string{
        "driver":     "duckdb",
        "entrypoint": "duckdb_adbc_init",
        "path":       ":memory:",
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create new in-memory DuckDB database: %w", err)
    conn, err := db.Open(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to open connection to new in-memory DuckDB database: %w", err)
    return &DuckDBSQLRunner{ctx: ctx, conn: conn, db: db}, nil

func serializeRecord(record arrow.Record) (io.Reader, error) {
    buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
    wr := ipc.NewWriter(buf, ipc.WithSchema(record.Schema()))
    if err := wr.Write(record); err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to write record: %w", err)
    if err := wr.Close(); err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to close writer: %w", err)
    return buf, nil

func (r *DuckDBSQLRunner) importRecord(sr io.Reader) error {
    rdr, err := ipc.NewReader(sr)
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("failed to create IPC reader: %w", err)
    defer rdr.Release()
    stmt, err := r.conn.NewStatement()
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("failed to create new statement: %w", err)
    if err := stmt.SetOption(adbc.OptionKeyIngestMode, adbc.OptionValueIngestModeCreate); err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("failed to set ingest mode: %w", err)
    if err := stmt.SetOption(adbc.OptionKeyIngestTargetTable, "temp_table"); err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("failed to set ingest target table: %w", err)
    if err := stmt.BindStream(r.ctx, rdr); err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("failed to bind stream: %w", err)
    if _, err := stmt.ExecuteUpdate(r.ctx); err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("failed to execute update: %w", err)
    return stmt.Close()

func (r *DuckDBSQLRunner) runSQL(sql string) ([]arrow.Record, error) {
    stmt, err := r.conn.NewStatement()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create new statement: %w", err)
    defer stmt.Close()

    if err := stmt.SetSqlQuery(sql); err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to set SQL query: %w", err)
    out, n, err := stmt.ExecuteQuery(r.ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to execute query: %w", err)
    defer out.Release()

    result := make([]arrow.Record, 0, n)
    for out.Next() {
        rec := out.Record()
        rec.Retain() // .Next() will release the record, so we need to retain it
        result = append(result, rec)
    if out.Err() != nil {
        return nil, out.Err()
    return result, nil

func (r *DuckDBSQLRunner) RunSQLOnRecord(record arrow.Record, sql string) ([]arrow.Record, error) {
    serializedRecord, err := serializeRecord(record)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to serialize record: %w", err)
    if err := r.importRecord(serializedRecord); err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to import record: %w", err)
    result, err := r.runSQL(sql)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to run SQL: %w", err)

    if _, err := r.runSQL("DROP TABLE temp_table"); err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to drop temp table after running query: %w", err)
    return result, nil

func (r *DuckDBSQLRunner) Close() {

func main() {
    rec := _makeSampleArrowRecord()

    runner, err := NewDuckDBSQLRunner(context.Background())
    if err != nil {
    defer runner.Close()

    resultRecords, err := runner.RunSQLOnRecord(rec, "SELECT column1+1 FROM temp_table")
    if err != nil {

    for _, resultRecord := range resultRecords {

Running it produces the following output:

  fields: 1
    - column1: type=float64
  rows: 3
  col[0][column1]: [1 2 3]

  fields: 1
    - (column1 + 1): type=float64, nullable
  rows: 3
  col[0][(column1 + 1)]: [2 3 4]