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Creating JSON

JSON Creation Functions

The following functions are used to create JSON.

Function Description
to_json(any) Create JSON from a value of any type. Our LIST is converted to a JSON array, and our STRUCT and MAP are converted to a JSON object.
json_quote(any) Alias for to_json.
array_to_json(list) Alias for to_json that only accepts LIST.
row_to_json(list) Alias for to_json that only accepts STRUCT.
json_array(any, ...) Create a JSON array from the values in the argument lists.
json_object(key, value, ...) Create a JSON object from key, value pairs in the argument list. Requires an even number of arguments.
json_merge_patch(json, json) Merge two JSON documents together.


SELECT to_json('duck');
SELECT to_json([1, 2, 3]);
SELECT to_json({duck : 42});
SELECT to_json(map(['duck'],[42]));
SELECT json_array('duck', 42, 'goose', 123);
SELECT json_object('duck', 42, 'goose', 123);
SELECT json_merge_patch('{"duck": 42}', '{"goose": 123}');