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FROM & JOIN Clauses

The FROM clause specifies the source of the data on which the remainder of the query should operate. Logically, the FROM clause is where the query starts execution. The FROM clause can contain a single table, a combination of multiple tables that are joined together using JOIN clauses, or another SELECT query inside a subquery node. DuckDB also has an optional FROM-first syntax which enables you to also query without a SELECT statement.


--  select all columns from the table called "table_name"
FROM table_name;
-- select all columns from the table called "table_name"
SELECT * FROM table_name;
-- select all columns from the table called "table_name" in the schema "schema_name
SELECT * FROM schema_name.table_name;
-- select the column "i" from the table function "range", where the first column of the range function is renamed to "i"
SELECT t.i FROM range(100) AS t(i);
-- select all columns from the CSV file called "test.csv"
SELECT * FROM 'test.csv';
-- select all columns from a subquery
SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM table_name);
-- join two tables together
SELECT * FROM table_name JOIN other_table ON (table_name.key = other_table.key);
-- select a 10% sample from a table
-- select a sample of 10 rows from a table


Joins are a fundamental relational operation used to connect two tables or relations horizontally. The relations are referred to as the left and right sides of the join based on how they are written in the join clause. Each result row has the columns from both relations.

A join uses a rule to match pairs of rows from each relation. Often this is a predicate, but there are other implied rules that may be specified.

Outer Joins

Rows that do not have any matches can still be returned if an OUTER join is specified. Outer joins can be one of:

  • LEFT (All rows from the left relation appear at least once)
  • RIGHT (All rows from the right relation appear at least once)
  • FULL (All rows from both relations appear at least once)

A join that is not OUTER is INNER (only rows that get paired are returned).

When an unpaired row is returned, the attributes from the other table are set to NULL.

Cross Product Joins

The simplest type of join is a CROSS JOIN. There are no conditions for this type of join, and it just returns all the possible pairs.

-- return all pairs of rows

Conditional Joins

Most joins are specified by a predicate that connects attributes from one side to attributes from the other side. The conditions can be explicitly specified using an ON clause with the join (clearer) or implied by the WHERE clause (old-fashioned).

-- return the regions for the nations
SELECT n.*, r.*
FROM l_nations n, JOIN l_regions r ON (n_regionkey = r_regionkey)

If the column names are the same and are required to be equal, then the simpler USING syntax can be used:

-- return the regions for the nations
SELECT n.*, r.*
FROM l_nations n, JOIN l_regions r USING (regionkey)

The expressions to not have to be equalities - any predicate can be used:

-- return the pairs of jobs where one ran longer but cost less
SELECT s1.t_id, s2.t_id 
FROM west s1, west s2
WHERE s1.time > s2.time 
  AND s1.cost < s2.cost;

Semi and Anti Joins

Semi joins return rows from the left table that have at least one match in the right table. Anti joins return rows from the left table that have no matches in the right table. When using a semi or anti join the result will never have more rows than the left hand side table. Semi and anti joins provide the same logic as (NOT) IN statements.

-- return a list of cars that have a valid region.
SELECT cars.name, cars.manufacturer 
FROM cars SEMI JOIN region
ON cars.region = region.id;
-- return a list of cars with no recorded safety data.
SELECT cars.name, cars.manufacturer
FROM cars ANTI JOIN safety_data
ON cars.safety_report_id = safety_data.report_id;

Positional Joins

When working with data frames or other embedded tables of the same size, the rows may have a natural correspondence based on their physical order. In scripting languages, this is easily expressed using a loop:

for (i=0;i<n;i++) 
    f(t1.a[i], t2.b[i])

It is difficult to express this in standard SQL because relational tables are not ordered, but imported tables (like data frames) or disk files (like CSVs or Parquet files) do have a natural ordering.

Connecting them using this ordering is called a positional join:

-- treat two data frames as a single table
SELECT df1.*, df2.*

Positional joins are always FULL OUTER joins.

As-Of Joins

A common operation when working with temporal or similarly-ordered data is to find the nearest (first) event in a reference table (such as prices). This is called an as-of join:

-- attach prices to stock trades
SELECT t.*, p.price
FROM trades t ASOF JOIN prices p 
  ON t.symbol = p.symbol AND t.when >= p.when

The ASOF join requires at least one inequality condition on the ordering field, and the left table must be side that is greater in that inequality. Any other conditions must be equalities (or NOT DISTINCT). This means that the left/right order of the tables is significant.

ASOF joins each left side row with at most one right side row. It can be specified as an OUTER join to find unpaired rows (e.g., trades without prices or prices which have no trades.)

-- attach prices or NULLs to stock trades
FROM trades t ASOF LEFT JOIN prices p 
  ON t.symbol = p.symbol AND t.when >= p.when

ASOF joins can also specify join conditions on matching column names with the USING syntax, but the last attribute in the list must be the inequality:

FROM trades t ASOF JOIN prices p USING (symbol, when)
-- Returns symbol, trades.when, price (but NOT prices.when)

If you combine USING with a SELECT * like this, the query will return the left side (probe) column values for the matches, not the right side (build) column values. To get the prices times in the example, you will need to list the columns explicitly:

SELECT t.symbol, t.when AS trade_when, p.when AS price_when, price
FROM trades t ASOF LEFT JOIN prices p USING (symbol, when)


FROM ( ) AS join-alias ,