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Community Extensions Download Metrics

What Do We Measure?

We use an estimate provided by Cloudflare for the INSTALL events of Community Extensions (as well as regular extensions) that triggered downloads from the http[s]:// site.

We publish data about the total number of downloads, aggregated across DuckDB versions and platforms at the endpoint.

Analyzing Downloads

An example query to return the list of community extensions sorted by descending number of downloads would be:

    SELECT 'community' AS repository, *
        FROM ''
ON COLUMNS(* EXCLUDE (_last_update, repository))
INTO NAME extension VALUE downloads_last_week
ORDER BY downloads_last_week DESC;

For example, to return the download counts for the weeks since October 1, 2024:

        FROM read_json([
                strftime(x, '%Y/%W')
            FOR x
            IN range(TIMESTAMP '2024-10-01', now()::TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 1 WEEK)
            IF strftime(x, '%W') != '53'
    ON COLUMNS(* EXCLUDE _last_update)
    INTO NAME extension VALUE downloads
ON date_trunc('day', _last_update)
USING any_value(downloads)
ORDER BY extension;