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Provides a spreadsheet-style pivot_table function

Maintainer(s): Alex-Monahan

Installing and Loading

INSTALL pivot_table FROM community;
LOAD pivot_table;


FROM pivot_table(['duckdb_databases'], [], ['database_name'], [], []);

About pivot_table

This extension, pivot_table, allow you to pivot your data using a spreadsheet-like pivot API. It is also similar to the Pandas pivot_table function. It does this solely through SQL macros - there are no C++ functions as a part of this extension.

Added Functions

function_name function_type description comment examples
build_my_enum table_macro NULL NULL []
columns_values_axis_columns macro NULL NULL []
columns_values_axis_rows macro NULL NULL []
dq macro NULL NULL []
dq_concat macro NULL NULL []
dq_list macro NULL NULL []
no_columns macro NULL NULL []
nq macro NULL NULL []
nq_concat macro NULL NULL []
nq_list macro NULL NULL []
pivot_table scalar NULL NULL []
pivot_table table_macro NULL NULL []
pivot_table_openssl_version scalar NULL NULL []
pivot_table_show_sql table_macro NULL NULL []
replace_zzz macro NULL NULL []
sq macro NULL NULL []
sq_concat macro NULL NULL []
sq_list macro NULL NULL []
totals_list macro NULL NULL []