What Do We Measure?
We use an estimate provided by Cloudflare for the INSTALL
events of Community Extensions (as well as regular extensions) that triggered downloads from the http[s]://community-extensions.duckdb.org
We publish data about the total number of downloads, aggregated across DuckDB versions and platforms at the https://community-extensions.duckdb.org/downloads-last-week.json
Analyzing Downloads
An example query to return the list of community extensions sorted by descending number of downloads would be:
SELECT 'community' AS repository, *
FROM 'https://community-extensions.duckdb.org/downloads-last-week.json'
ON COLUMNS(* EXCLUDE (_last_update, repository))
INTO NAME extension VALUE downloads_last_week
ORDER BY downloads_last_week DESC;
For example, to return the download counts for the weeks since October 1, 2024:
FROM read_json([
strftime(x, '%Y/%W'))
FOR x IN range(TIMESTAMP '2024-10-01', now()::TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 1 WEEK)
ON COLUMNS(* EXCLUDE _last_update)
INTO NAME extension VALUE tot
ON date_trunc('day',_last_update)
USING any_value(tot)
ORDER BY extension;