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Evaluate the Rhai scripting language in DuckDB

Installing and Loading

INSTALL evalexpr_rhai FROM community;
LOAD evalexpr_rhai;


-- Calculate the value of an expression
SELECT evalexpr_rhai('40+2');

 union(ok json, error varchar) 

-- Expression's return type is a union of
-- ok JSON - the result of the expression as a JSON value
-- error VARCHAR - the error if any from evaluating the expression

-- Demonstrate returning a JSON object from Rhai
SELECT evalexpr_rhai('#{"apple": 5, "price": 3.52}').ok;

 (evalexpr_rhai('#{"apple": 5, "price": 3.52}')).ok 

-- Demonstrate what happens when the expression
-- cannot be parsed, an error is returned.
SELECT evalexpr_rhai('#{"apple: 5}').error;

       (evalexpr_rhai('#{"apple: 5}')).error        
 Open string is not terminated (line 1, position 3) 

-- Either .ok or .error will be populated but never both.

-- When evaluating and expression you can also pass in
-- variables via context.
CREATE TABLE employees (name text, state text, zip integer);
INSERT INTO employees values
  ('Jane', 'FL', 33139),
  ('John', 'NJ', 08520);

-- Pass the row from the employees table in as "context.row"
SELECT evalexpr_rhai(
  ' + " is in " + context.row.state
    row: employees
  }) AS result from employees;

 union(ok json, error varchar) 
 "Jane is in FL"               
 "John is in NJ"               

-- To demonstrate how Rhai can be used to implement
-- a function in DuckDB, the next example creates
-- a macro function that calls a Rhai function
-- to calculate the Collatz sequence length.

CREATE MACRO collatz_series_length(n) AS
    fn collatz_series(n) {
        let count = 0;
        while n > 1 {
          count += 1;
          if n % 2 == 0 {
              n /= 2;
          } else {
              n = n * 3 + 1;
        return count
  ', {'n': n});

-- Use the previously defined macro.
  collatz_series_length(range).ok::bigint AS sequence_length,
  range AS starting_value
  range(10000, 20000)
ORDER BY 1 DESC limit 10;

 sequence_length  starting_value 
      int64           int64      
             278           17647 
             278           17673 
             275           13255 
             273           19593 
             273           19883 
             270           14695 
             270           15039 
             267           10971 
             265           16457 
             265           16777 
 10 rows                2 columns 

About evalexpr_rhai

The evalexpr_rhai extension provides a single function:

evalexpr_rhai(VARCHAR, JSON) -> UNION['ok': JSON, 'error': VARCHAR]

The arguments in order are:

  1. The Rhai expression to evaluate.
  2. Any context values that will be available to the Rhai expression by accessing a variable called context.

The return value is a union type. The union type is very similar to the Result type from Rust.

If the Rhai expression was successfully evaluated the JSON result of the expression will be returned in the ok element of the union. If there was an error evaluating the expression it will be returned in the error element of the expression.

Added Functions

function_name function_type description comment example
evalexpr_rhai scalar