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Release Calendar

DuckDB follows semantic versioning. Patch versions only ship bugfixes, while minor versions also introduce new features.

Upcoming Releases

The planned dates of upcoming DuckDB releases are shown below. Please note that these dates are tentative and DuckDB maintainers may decide to push back release dates to ensure the stability and quality of releases.

Date Version
2025-05-07 1.3.0
2025-03-05 1.2.1

Past Releases

In the following, we list DuckDB's past releases along with their codename where applicable. Between versions 0.2.2 and 0.3.3, all releases (including patch versions) received a codename. Since version 0.4.0, only major and minor versions get a codename.

Date Version Codename Named after  
2025-02-05 1.2.0 Histrionicus Histrionicus histrionicus (Harlequin duck) Logo of version 1.2.0
2024-11-04 1.1.3  
2024-10-14 1.1.2  
2024-09-24 1.1.1  
2024-09-09 1.1.0 Eatoni Anas eatoni (Eaton's pintail) Logo of version 1.1.0
2024-06-03 1.0.0 Nivis Anas nivis (Snow duck) Logo of version 1.0.0
2024-05-22 0.10.3  
2024-04-17 0.10.2  
2024-03-18 0.10.1  
2024-02-13 0.10.0 Fusca Melanitta fusca (Velvet scoter) Logo of version 0.10.0
2023-11-14 0.9.2  
2023-10-11 0.9.1  
2023-09-26 0.9.0 Undulata Anas undulata (Yellow-billed duck) Logo of version 0.9.0
2023-06-13 0.8.1  
2023-05-17 0.8.0 Fulvigula Anas fulvigula (Mottled duck) Logo of version 0.8.0
2023-02-27 0.7.1  
2023-02-13 0.7.0 Labradorius Camptorhynchus labradorius (Labrador duck) Logo of version 0.7.0
2022-12-06 0.6.1  
2022-11-14 0.6.0 Oxyura Oxyura leucocephala (White-headed duck) Logo of version 0.6.0
2022-09-19 0.5.1  
2022-09-05 0.5.0 Pulchellus Nettapus pulchellus (Green pygmy goose) Logo of version 0.5.0
2022-06-20 0.4.0 Ferruginea Oxyura ferruginea (Andean duck) Logo of version 0.4.0
2022-04-25 0.3.4  
2022-04-11 0.3.3 Sansaniensis Chenoanas sansaniensis Logo of version 0.3.3
2022-02-07 0.3.2 Gibberifrons Anas gibberifrons (Sunda teal) Logo of version 0.3.2
2021-11-16 0.3.1 Spectabilis Somateria spectabilis (King eider) Logo of version 0.3.1
2021-10-06 0.3.0 Gracilis Anas gracilis (Grey teal) Logo of version 0.3.0
2021-09-06 0.2.9 Platyrhynchos Anas platyrhynchos (Mallard) Logo of version 0.2.9
2021-08-02 0.2.8 Ceruttii Histrionicus ceruttii Logo of version 0.2.8
2021-06-14 0.2.7 Mollissima Somateria mollissima (Common eider) Logo of version 0.2.7
2021-05-08 0.2.6 Jamaicensis Oxyura jamaicensis (Blue-billed ruddy duck) Logo of version 0.2.6
2021-03-10 0.2.5 Falcata Mareca falcata (Falcated duck) Logo of version 0.2.5
2021-02-02 0.2.4 Jubata Chenonetta jubata (Australian wood duck) Logo of version 0.2.4
2020-12-03 0.2.3 Serrator Mergus serrator (Red-breasted merganser) Logo of version 0.2.3
2020-11-01 0.2.2 Clypeata Spatula clypeata (Northern shoveler) Logo of version 0.2.2
2020-08-29 0.2.1  
2020-07-23 0.2.0  
2020-06-19 0.1.9  
2020-05-29 0.1.8  
2020-05-04 0.1.7  
2020-04-05 0.1.6  
2020-03-02 0.1.5  
2020-02-03 0.1.3  
2020-01-06 0.1.2  
2019-09-24 0.1.1  
2019-06-27 0.1.0  

Release Calendar as a CSV File

You can get a CSV file containing past DuckDB releases and analyze it using DuckDB's CSV reader.

The CSV file can be imported to DuckDB. You can analyze it in the online shell. For example, you can compute the average number of days between releases using the lag window function:

SELECT avg(diff) AS average_days_between_releases
    SELECT release_date - lag(release_date) OVER (ORDER BY release_date) AS diff
    FROM 'https://duckdb.org/data/duckdb-releases.csv'