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1.1 (stable)
Information Schema

The views in the information_schema are SQL-standard views that describe the catalog entries of the database. These views can be filtered to obtain information about a specific column or table. DuckDB's implementation is based on PostgreSQL's information schema.


character_sets: Character Sets

Column Description Type Example
character_set_catalog Currently not implemented – always NULL. VARCHAR NULL
character_set_schema Currently not implemented – always NULL. VARCHAR NULL
character_set_name Name of the character set, currently implemented as showing the name of the database encoding. VARCHAR 'UTF8'
character_repertoire Character repertoire, showing UCS if the encoding is UTF8, else just the encoding name. VARCHAR 'UCS'
form_of_use Character encoding form, same as the database encoding. VARCHAR 'UTF8'
default_collate_catalog Name of the database containing the default collation (always the current database). VARCHAR 'my_db'
default_collate_schema Name of the schema containing the default collation. VARCHAR 'pg_catalog'
default_collate_name Name of the default collation. VARCHAR 'ucs_basic'

columns: Columns

The view that describes the catalog information for columns is information_schema.columns. It lists the column present in the database and has the following layout:

Column Description Type Example
table_catalog Name of the database containing the table (always the current database). VARCHAR 'my_db'
table_schema Name of the schema containing the table. VARCHAR 'main'
table_name Name of the table. VARCHAR 'widgets'
column_name Name of the column. VARCHAR 'price'
ordinal_position Ordinal position of the column within the table (count starts at 1). INTEGER 5
column_default Default expression of the column. VARCHAR 1.99
is_nullable YES if the column is possibly nullable, NO if it is known not nullable. VARCHAR 'YES'
data_type Data type of the column. VARCHAR 'DECIMAL(18, 2)'
character_maximum_length If data_type identifies a character or bit string type, the declared maximum length; null for all other data types or if no maximum length was declared. INTEGER 255
character_octet_length If data_type identifies a character type, the maximum possible length in octets (bytes) of a datum; null for all other data types. The maximum octet length depends on the declared character maximum length (see above) and the character encoding. INTEGER 1073741824
numeric_precision If data_type identifies a numeric type, this column contains the (declared or implicit) precision of the type for this column. The precision indicates the number of significant digits. For all other data types, this column is null. INTEGER 18
numeric_scale If data_type identifies a numeric type, this column contains the (declared or implicit) scale of the type for this column. The precision indicates the number of significant digits. For all other data types, this column is null. INTEGER 2
datetime_precision If data_type identifies a date, time, timestamp, or interval type, this column contains the (declared or implicit) fractional seconds precision of the type for this column, that is, the number of decimal digits maintained following the decimal point in the seconds value. No fractional seconds are currently supported in DuckDB. For all other data types, this column is null. INTEGER 0

constraint_column_usage: Constraint Column Usage

This view describes all columns in the current database that are used by some constraint. For a check constraint, this view identifies the columns that are used in the check expression. For a not-null constraint, this view identifies the column that the constraint is defined on. For a foreign key constraint, this view identifies the columns that the foreign key references. For a unique or primary key constraint, this view identifies the constrained columns.

Column Description Type Example
table_catalog Name of the database that contains the table that contains the column that is used by some constraint (always the current database) VARCHAR 'my_db'
table_schema Name of the schema that contains the table that contains the column that is used by some constraint VARCHAR 'main'
table_name Name of the table that contains the column that is used by some constraint VARCHAR 'widgets'
column_name Name of the column that is used by some constraint VARCHAR 'price'
constraint_catalog Name of the database that contains the constraint (always the current database) VARCHAR 'my_db'
constraint_schema Name of the schema that contains the constraint VARCHAR 'main'
constraint_name Name of the constraint VARCHAR 'exam_id_students_id_fkey'

key_column_usage: Key Column Usage

Column Description Type Example
constraint_catalog Name of the database that contains the constraint (always the current database). VARCHAR 'my_db'
constraint_schema Name of the schema that contains the constraint. VARCHAR 'main'
constraint_name Name of the constraint. VARCHAR 'exams_exam_id_fkey'
table_catalog Name of the database that contains the table that contains the column that is restricted by this constraint (always the current database). VARCHAR 'my_db'
table_schema Name of the schema that contains the table that contains the column that is restricted by this constraint. VARCHAR 'main'
table_name Name of the table that contains the column that is restricted by this constraint. VARCHAR 'exams'
column_name Name of the column that is restricted by this constraint. VARCHAR 'exam_id'
ordinal_position Ordinal position of the column within the constraint key (count starts at 1). INTEGER 1
position_in_unique_constraint For a foreign-key constraint, ordinal position of the referenced column within its unique constraint (count starts at 1); otherwise NULL. INTEGER 1

referential_constraints: Referential Constraints

Column Description Type Example
constraint_catalog Name of the database containing the constraint (always the current database). VARCHAR 'my_db'
constraint_schema Name of the schema containing the constraint. VARCHAR main
constraint_name Name of the constraint. VARCHAR exam_id_students_id_fkey
unique_constraint_catalog Name of the database that contains the unique or primary key constraint that the foreign key constraint references. VARCHAR 'my_db'
unique_constraint_schema Name of the schema that contains the unique or primary key constraint that the foreign key constraint references. VARCHAR 'main'
unique_constraint_name Name of the unique or primary key constraint that the foreign key constraint references. VARCHAR 'students_id_pkey'
match_option Match option of the foreign key constraint. Always NONE. VARCHAR NONE
update_rule Update rule of the foreign key constraint. Always NO ACTION. VARCHAR NO ACTION
delete_rule Delete rule of the foreign key constraint. Always NO ACTION. VARCHAR NO ACTION

schemata: Database, Catalog and Schema

The top level catalog view is information_schema.schemata. It lists the catalogs and the schemas present in the database and has the following layout:

Column Description Type Example
catalog_name Name of the database that the schema is contained in. VARCHAR 'my_db'
schema_name Name of the schema. VARCHAR 'main'
schema_owner Name of the owner of the schema. Not yet implemented. VARCHAR 'duckdb'
default_character_set_catalog Applies to a feature not available in DuckDB. VARCHAR NULL
default_character_set_schema Applies to a feature not available in DuckDB. VARCHAR NULL
default_character_set_name Applies to a feature not available in DuckDB. VARCHAR NULL
sql_path The file system location of the database. Currently unimplemented. VARCHAR NULL

tables: Tables and Views

The view that describes the catalog information for tables and views is information_schema.tables. It lists the tables present in the database and has the following layout:

Column Description Type Example
table_catalog The catalog the table or view belongs to. VARCHAR 'my_db'
table_schema The schema the table or view belongs to. VARCHAR 'main'
table_name The name of the table or view. VARCHAR 'widgets'
table_type The type of table. One of: BASE TABLE, LOCAL TEMPORARY, VIEW. VARCHAR 'BASE TABLE'
self_referencing_column_name Applies to a feature not available in DuckDB. VARCHAR NULL
reference_generation Applies to a feature not available in DuckDB. VARCHAR NULL
user_defined_type_catalog If the table is a typed table, the name of the database that contains the underlying data type (always the current database), else null. Currently unimplemented. VARCHAR NULL
user_defined_type_schema If the table is a typed table, the name of the schema that contains the underlying data type, else null. Currently unimplemented. VARCHAR NULL
user_defined_type_name If the table is a typed table, the name of the underlying data type, else null. Currently unimplemented. VARCHAR NULL
is_insertable_into YES if the table is insertable into, NO if not (Base tables are always insertable into, views not necessarily.) VARCHAR 'YES'
is_typed YES if the table is a typed table, NO if not. VARCHAR 'NO'
commit_action Not yet implemented. VARCHAR 'NO'

table_constraints: Table Constraints

Column Description Type Example
constraint_catalog Name of the database that contains the constraint (always the current database). VARCHAR 'my_db'
constraint_schema Name of the schema that contains the constraint. VARCHAR 'main'
constraint_name Name of the constraint. VARCHAR 'exams_exam_id_fkey'
table_catalog Name of the database that contains the table (always the current database). VARCHAR 'my_db'
table_schema Name of the schema that contains the table. VARCHAR 'main'
table_name Name of the table. VARCHAR 'exams'
constraint_type Type of the constraint: CHECK, FOREIGN KEY, PRIMARY KEY, or UNIQUE. VARCHAR 'FOREIGN KEY'
is_deferrable YES if the constraint is deferrable, NO if not. VARCHAR 'NO'
initially_deferred YES if the constraint is deferrable and initially deferred, NO if not. VARCHAR 'NO'
enforced Always YES. VARCHAR 'YES'
nulls_distinct If the constraint is a unique constraint, then YES if the constraint treats nulls as distinct or NO if it treats nulls as not distinct, otherwise NULL for other types of constraints. VARCHAR 'YES'

Catalog Functions

Several functions are also provided to see details about the catalogs and schemas that are configured in the database.

Function Description Example Result
current_catalog() Return the name of the currently active catalog. Default is memory. current_catalog() 'memory'
current_schema() Return the name of the currently active schema. Default is main. current_schema() 'main'
current_schemas(boolean) Return list of schemas. Pass a parameter of true to include implicit schemas. current_schemas(true) ['temp', 'main', 'pg_catalog']