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1.1 (stable)
Time Functions

This section describes functions and operators for examining and manipulating TIME values.

Time Operators

The table below shows the available mathematical operators for TIME types.

Operator Description Example Result
+ addition of an INTERVAL TIME '01:02:03' + INTERVAL 5 HOUR 06:02:03
- subtraction of an INTERVAL TIME '06:02:03' - INTERVAL 5 HOUR' 01:02:03

Time Functions

The table below shows the available scalar functions for TIME types.

Name Description
current_time Current time (start of current transaction).
date_diff(part, starttime, endtime) The number of partition boundaries between the times.
date_part(part, time) Get subfield (equivalent to extract).
date_sub(part, starttime, endtime) The number of complete partitions between the times.
datediff(part, starttime, endtime) Alias of date_diff. The number of partition boundaries between the times.
datepart(part, time) Alias of date_part. Get subfield (equivalent to extract).
datesub(part, starttime, endtime) Alias of date_sub. The number of complete partitions between the times.
extract(part FROM time) Get subfield from a time.
get_current_time() Current time (start of current transaction).
make_time(bigint, bigint, double) The time for the given parts.

The only date parts that are defined for times are epoch, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds and microseconds.


Description Current time (start of current transaction). Note that parentheses should be omitted.
Example current_time
Result 10:31:58.578
Alias get_current_time()

date_diff(part, starttime, endtime)

Description The number of partition boundaries between the times.
Example date_diff('hour', TIME '01:02:03', TIME '06:01:03')
Result 5

date_part(part, time)

Description Get subfield (equivalent to extract).
Example date_part('minute', TIME '14:21:13')
Result 21

date_sub(part, starttime, endtime)

Description The number of complete partitions between the times.
Example date_sub('hour', TIME '01:02:03', TIME '06:01:03')
Result 4

datediff(part, starttime, endtime)

Description Alias of date_diff. The number of partition boundaries between the times.
Example datediff('hour', TIME '01:02:03', TIME '06:01:03')
Result 5

datepart(part, time)

Description Alias of date_part. Get subfield (equivalent to extract).
Example datepart('minute', TIME '14:21:13')
Result 21

datesub(part, starttime, endtime)

Description Alias of date_sub. The number of complete partitions between the times.
Example datesub('hour', TIME '01:02:03', TIME '06:01:03')
Result 4

extract(part FROM time)

Description Get subfield from a time.
Example extract('hour' FROM TIME '14:21:13')
Result 14


Description Current time (start of current transaction).
Example get_current_time()
Result 10:31:58.578
Alias current_time

make_time(bigint, bigint, double)

Description The time for the given parts.
Example make_time(13, 34, 27.123456)
Result 13:34:27.123456