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1.0 (stable)
Excel Import

Installing the Extension

To read data from an Excel file, install and load the spatial extension. This is only needed once per DuckDB connection.

INSTALL spatial;
LOAD spatial;

Importing Excel Sheets

Use the st_read function in the FROM clause of a query:

SELECT * FROM st_read('test_excel.xlsx');

The layer parameter allows specifying the name of the Excel worksheet:

SELECT * FROM st_read('test_excel.xlsx', layer = 'Sheet1');

Creating a New Table

To create a new table using the result from a query, use CREATE TABLE ... AS from a SELECT statement:

    SELECT * FROM st_read('test_excel.xlsx', layer = 'Sheet1');

Loading to an Existing Table

To load data into an existing table from a query, use INSERT INTO from a SELECT statement:

    SELECT * FROM st_read('test_excel.xlsx', layer = 'Sheet1');


Several configuration options are also available for the underlying GDAL library that is doing the XLSX parsing. You can pass them via the open_options parameter of the st_read function as a list of 'KEY=VALUE' strings.

Importing a Sheet with/without a Header

The option HEADERS has three possible values:

  • FORCE: treat the first row as a header
  • DISABLE treat the first row as a row of data
  • AUTO attempt auto-detection (default)

For example, to treat the first row as a header, run:

FROM st_read(
    layer = 'Sheet1',
    open_options = ['HEADERS=FORCE']

Detecting Types

The option FIELD_TYPE defines how field types should be treated:

  • STRING: all fields should be loaded as strings (VARCHAR type)
  • AUTO: field types should be auto-detected (default)

For example, to treat the first row as a header and use auto-detection for types, run:

FROM st_read(
    layer = 'Sheet1',
    open_options = ['HEADERS=FORCE', 'FIELD_TYPES=AUTO']

To treat the fields as strings:

FROM st_read(
    layer = 'Sheet1',
    open_options = ['FIELD_TYPES=STRING']

See Also

DuckDB can also export Excel files. For additional details on Excel support, see the spatial extension page, the GDAL XLSX driver page, and the GDAL configuration options page.

About this page

Last modified: 2024-07-22