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Catch C/C++ Tests

While we prefer the sqllogic tests for testing most functionality, for certain tests only SQL is not sufficient. This typically happens when you want to test the C++ API. When using pure SQL is really not an option it might be necessary to make a C++ test using Catch.

Catch tests reside in the test directory as well. Here is an example of a catch test that tests the storage of the system:

#include "catch.hpp"
#include "test_helpers.hpp"

TEST_CASE("Test simple storage", "[storage]") {
	auto config = GetTestConfig();
	unique_ptr<QueryResult> result;
	auto storage_database = TestCreatePath("storage_test");

	// make sure the database does not exist
		// create a database and insert values
		DuckDB db(storage_database, config.get());
		Connection con(db);
		REQUIRE_NO_FAIL(con.Query("INSERT INTO test VALUES (11, 22), (13, 22), (12, 21), (NULL, NULL)"));
		REQUIRE_NO_FAIL(con.Query("CREATE TABLE test2 (a INTEGER);"));
		REQUIRE_NO_FAIL(con.Query("INSERT INTO test2 VALUES (13), (12), (11)"));
	// reload the database from disk a few times
	for (idx_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
		DuckDB db(storage_database, config.get());
		Connection con(db);
		result = con.Query("SELECT * FROM test ORDER BY a");
		REQUIRE(CHECK_COLUMN(result, 0, {Value(), 11, 12, 13}));
		REQUIRE(CHECK_COLUMN(result, 1, {Value(), 22, 21, 22}));
		result = con.Query("SELECT * FROM test2 ORDER BY a");
		REQUIRE(CHECK_COLUMN(result, 0, {11, 12, 13}));

The test uses the TEST_CASE wrapper to create each test. The database is created and queried using the C++ API. Results are checked using either REQUIRE_FAIL/REQUIRE_NO_FAIL (corresponding to statement ok and statement error) or REQUIRE(CHECK_COLUMN(...)) (corresponding to query with a result check). Every test that is created in this way needs to be added to the corresponding CMakeLists.txt.