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Prepared Statements

A prepared statement is a parameterized query. The query is prepared with question marks (?) or dollar symbols ($1) indicating the parameters of the query. Values can then be bound to these parameters, after which the prepared statement can be executed using those parameters. A single query can be prepared once and executed many times.

Prepared statements are useful to:

  • Easily supply parameters to functions while avoiding string concatenation/SQL injection attacks.
  • Speeding up queries that will be executed many times with different parameters.

DuckDB supports prepared statements in the C API with the duckdb_prepare method. The duckdb_bind family of functions is used to supply values for subsequent execution of the prepared statement using duckdb_execute_prepared. After we are done with the prepared statement it can be cleaned up using the duckdb_destroy_prepare method.


duckdb_prepared_statement stmt;
duckdb_result result;
if (duckdb_prepare(con, "INSERT INTO integers VALUES ($1, $2)", &stmt) == DuckDBError) {
    // handle error

duckdb_bind_int32(stmt, 1, 42); // the parameter index starts counting at 1!
duckdb_bind_int32(stmt, 2, 43);
// NULL as second parameter means no result set is requested
duckdb_execute_prepared(stmt, NULL);

// we can also query result sets using prepared statements
if (duckdb_prepare(con, "SELECT * FROM integers WHERE i = ?", &stmt) == DuckDBError) {
    // handle error
duckdb_bind_int32(stmt, 1, 42);
duckdb_execute_prepared(stmt, &result);

// do something with result

// clean up

After calling duckdb_prepare, the prepared statement parameters can be inspected using duckdb_nparams and duckdb_param_type. In case the prepare fails, the error can be obtained through duckdb_prepare_error.

It is not required that the duckdb_bind family of functions matches the prepared statement parameter type exactly. The values will be auto-cast to the required value as required. For example, calling duckdb_bind_int8 on a parameter type of DUCKDB_TYPE_INTEGER will work as expected.

Warning Do not use prepared statements to insert large amounts of data into DuckDB. Instead it is recommended to use the Appender.

API Reference Overview

duckdb_state duckdb_prepare(duckdb_connection connection, const char *query, duckdb_prepared_statement *out_prepared_statement);
void duckdb_destroy_prepare(duckdb_prepared_statement *prepared_statement);
const char *duckdb_prepare_error(duckdb_prepared_statement prepared_statement);
idx_t duckdb_nparams(duckdb_prepared_statement prepared_statement);
const char *duckdb_parameter_name(duckdb_prepared_statement prepared_statement, idx_t index);
duckdb_type duckdb_param_type(duckdb_prepared_statement prepared_statement, idx_t param_idx);
duckdb_logical_type duckdb_param_logical_type(duckdb_prepared_statement prepared_statement, idx_t param_idx);
duckdb_state duckdb_clear_bindings(duckdb_prepared_statement prepared_statement);
duckdb_statement_type duckdb_prepared_statement_type(duckdb_prepared_statement statement);


Create a prepared statement object from a query.

Note that after calling duckdb_prepare, the prepared statement should always be destroyed using duckdb_destroy_prepare, even if the prepare fails.

If the prepare fails, duckdb_prepare_error can be called to obtain the reason why the prepare failed.

duckdb_state duckdb_prepare(
  duckdb_connection connection,
  const char *query,
  duckdb_prepared_statement *out_prepared_statement
  • connection: The connection object
  • query: The SQL query to prepare
  • out_prepared_statement: The resulting prepared statement object
Return Value

DuckDBSuccess on success or DuckDBError on failure.


Closes the prepared statement and de-allocates all memory allocated for the statement.

void duckdb_destroy_prepare(
  duckdb_prepared_statement *prepared_statement
  • prepared_statement: The prepared statement to destroy.


Returns the error message associated with the given prepared statement. If the prepared statement has no error message, this returns nullptr instead.

The error message should not be freed. It will be de-allocated when duckdb_destroy_prepare is called.

const char *duckdb_prepare_error(
  duckdb_prepared_statement prepared_statement
  • prepared_statement: The prepared statement to obtain the error from.
Return Value

The error message, or nullptr if there is none.


Returns the number of parameters that can be provided to the given prepared statement.

Returns 0 if the query was not successfully prepared.

idx_t duckdb_nparams(
  duckdb_prepared_statement prepared_statement
  • prepared_statement: The prepared statement to obtain the number of parameters for.


Returns the name used to identify the parameter The returned string should be freed using duckdb_free.

Returns NULL if the index is out of range for the provided prepared statement.

const char *duckdb_parameter_name(
  duckdb_prepared_statement prepared_statement,
  idx_t index
  • prepared_statement: The prepared statement for which to get the parameter name from.


Returns the parameter type for the parameter at the given index.

Returns DUCKDB_TYPE_INVALID if the parameter index is out of range or the statement was not successfully prepared.

duckdb_type duckdb_param_type(
  duckdb_prepared_statement prepared_statement,
  idx_t param_idx
  • prepared_statement: The prepared statement.
  • param_idx: The parameter index.
Return Value

The parameter type


Returns the logical type for the parameter at the given index.

Returns nullptr if the parameter index is out of range or the statement was not successfully prepared.

The return type of this call should be destroyed with duckdb_destroy_logical_type.

duckdb_logical_type duckdb_param_logical_type(
  duckdb_prepared_statement prepared_statement,
  idx_t param_idx
  • prepared_statement: The prepared statement.
  • param_idx: The parameter index.
Return Value

The logical type of the parameter


Clear the params bind to the prepared statement.

duckdb_state duckdb_clear_bindings(
  duckdb_prepared_statement prepared_statement


Returns the statement type of the statement to be executed

duckdb_statement_type duckdb_prepared_statement_type(
  duckdb_prepared_statement statement
  • statement: The prepared statement.
Return Value

duckdb_statement_type value or DUCKDB_STATEMENT_TYPE_INVALID