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1.1 (stable)

Configuration options can be provided to change different settings of the database system. Note that many of these settings can be changed later on using PRAGMA statements as well. The configuration object should be created, filled with values and passed to duckdb_open_ext.


duckdb_database db;
duckdb_config config;

// create the configuration object
if (duckdb_create_config(&config) == DuckDBError) {
    // handle error
// set some configuration options
duckdb_set_config(config, "access_mode", "READ_WRITE"); // or READ_ONLY
duckdb_set_config(config, "threads", "8");
duckdb_set_config(config, "max_memory", "8GB");
duckdb_set_config(config, "default_order", "DESC");

// open the database using the configuration
if (duckdb_open_ext(NULL, &db, config, NULL) == DuckDBError) {
    // handle error
// cleanup the configuration object

// run queries...

// cleanup

API Reference Overview

duckdb_state duckdb_create_config(duckdb_config *out_config);
size_t duckdb_config_count();
duckdb_state duckdb_get_config_flag(size_t index, const char **out_name, const char **out_description);
duckdb_state duckdb_set_config(duckdb_config config, const char *name, const char *option);
void duckdb_destroy_config(duckdb_config *config);


Initializes an empty configuration object that can be used to provide start-up options for the DuckDB instance through duckdb_open_ext. The duckdb_config must be destroyed using 'duckdb_destroy_config'

This will always succeed unless there is a malloc failure.


duckdb_state duckdb_create_config(
  duckdb_config *out_config


  • out_config

The result configuration object.

  • returns

DuckDBSuccess on success or DuckDBError on failure.


This returns the total amount of configuration options available for usage with duckdb_get_config_flag.

This should not be called in a loop as it internally loops over all the options.


size_t duckdb_config_count(


  • returns

The amount of config options available.


Obtains a human-readable name and description of a specific configuration option. This can be used to e.g. display configuration options. This will succeed unless index is out of range (i.e., >= duckdb_config_count).

The result name or description MUST NOT be freed.


duckdb_state duckdb_get_config_flag(
  size_t index,
  const char **out_name,
  const char **out_description


  • index

The index of the configuration option (between 0 and duckdb_config_count)

  • out_name

A name of the configuration flag.

  • out_description

A description of the configuration flag.

  • returns

DuckDBSuccess on success or DuckDBError on failure.


Sets the specified option for the specified configuration. The configuration option is indicated by name. To obtain a list of config options, see duckdb_get_config_flag.

In the source code, configuration options are defined in config.cpp.

This can fail if either the name is invalid, or if the value provided for the option is invalid.


duckdb_state duckdb_set_config(
  duckdb_config config,
  const char *name,
  const char *option


  • duckdb_config

The configuration object to set the option on.

  • name

The name of the configuration flag to set.

  • option

The value to set the configuration flag to.

  • returns

DuckDBSuccess on success or DuckDBError on failure.


Destroys the specified configuration object and de-allocates all memory allocated for the object.


void duckdb_destroy_config(
  duckdb_config *config


  • config

The configuration object to destroy.