
DuckDB Amsterdam Meetup #1

DuckDB meetup organizers

DuckDB Amsterdam Meetup Splashscreen

We are excited to announce the first DuckDB Amsterdam meetup, co-organized by DuckDB Labs and Miro.


Time Title Presenter Slides
18:00 Venue opens    
18:15 DuckDB in the wild Hannes Mühleisen (DuckDB Labs) pdf
18:40 The analytics engineering developer experience at Miro Renan Leme and Rochelle Smits-Seemann (Miro)  
19:05 Machine learning and AI at MotherDuck Till Döhmen (MotherDuck) pdf
19:30 Drinks and snacks    

The venue is provided by Miro. Drink and snacks are sponsored by DuckDB Labs.

Registration Process

Attendance is free. Please RSVP on meetup.com.


Please contact Gabor Szarnyas at [email protected] if you have any questions.