
DuckCon #5 in Seattle

Mark Raasveldt, Hannes Mühleisen, Gabor Szarnyas, Kelly de Smit

DuckCon #5 Splashscreen

We are excited to hold the next "DuckCon" DuckDB user group meeting in Seattle, WA, sponsored by MotherDuck. The meeting will take place on August 15, 2024 (Thursday) in the SIFF Cinema Egyptian, located at 805 E Pine St, Seattle, WA, 98122.

As is traditional in DuckCons, we will start with a talk from DuckDB's creators Hannes Mühleisen and Mark Raasveldt about the state of DuckDB. This will be followed by presentations by DuckDB users. In addition, we will have several lightning talks from the DuckDB community.


To watch the recordings, see the playlist of talks.

Time Title Presenter Slides
12:30PM Venue opens    
1:30PM First session    
1:30PM Introductions Hannes Mühleisen
(DuckDB Labs)
1:40PM Overview and latest developments Hannes Mühleisen, Mark Raasveldt (DuckDB Labs) pdf
2:10PM MotherDuck: Taking flight with interactive analytics Frances Perry
2:40PM Outliers are all you need: Reducing the asymmetry of information in capital allocation in health and the built environment Jaan Lı (University of Tartu and One Fact Foundation) pdf
2:55PM Quack attack: Bringing DuckDB to the dart side Andy Prock
3:10PM Break    
3:30PM Second session    
3:30PM A duck for your dashboard: Performant data apps in the browser with DuckDB Robert Kosara
4:00PM pg_duckdb, DuckDB-powered Postgres (demo) Joseph Sciarrino, Jonathan Dance
4:15PM Delighting users with RESTful APIs and DuckDB Miguel Filipe
(Dune Analytics)
4:23PM Aerodynamic data models: Flying fast at scale with DuckDB Brian Holmes
(Rill Data)
4:31PM Double glazing: Two years of windowing improvements Richard Wesley
(DuckDB Labs)
4:39PM dbverse: Composable database libraries for larger-than-memory scientific analytics Edward Ruiz
(Boston University)
4:47PM A quack at building scalable data pipelines with DuckDB Junaid Rahim
4:55PM Wrapping up    
5:00PM Drinks and snacks sponsored by MotherDuck    
6:15PM End of event    

Availability of Talks

The event will not be streamed online and there is no hybrid option for participation. However, the slides and recorded videos of the talks will be published a few weeks after the event, similarly to DuckCon #3 and DuckCon #4.

Registration Process

Attendance is free. While supplies last, you can still get a ticket on Eventbrite. You will need to show this ticket at the entrance to attend.

Parking Information

  • Parking garage is available across the street at 1609 Harvard Ave for $15/day.
  • There is no cloakroom and there are no lockers available.

Previous Editions

Previous editions of DuckCon were held in Brussels (#2), San Francisco (#3), and Amsterdam (#4).


Please contact Kelly de Smit at [email protected] if you have any questions.