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DuckDB_% Metadata Functions

DuckDB offers a collection of table functions that provide metadata about the current database. These functions reside in the main schema and their names are prefixed with duckdb_.

The resultset returned by a duckdb_ table function may be used just like an ordinary table or view. For example, you can use a duckdb_ function call in the FROM clause of a SELECT statement, and you may refer to the columns of its returned resultset elsewhere in the statement, for example in the WHERE clause.

Table functions are still functions, and you should write parenthesis after the function name to call it to obtain its returned resultset:

SELECT * FROM duckdb_settings();

Alternatively, you may execute table functions also using the CALL-syntax:

CALL duckdb_settings();

In this case too, the parentheses are mandatory.

For some of the duckdb_% functions, there is also an identically named view available, which also resides in the main schema. Typically, these views do a SELECT on the duckdb_ table function with the same name, while filtering out those objects that are marked as internal. We mention it here, because if you accidentally omit the parentheses in your duckdb_ table function call, you might still get a result, but from the identically named view.


The duckdb_views() table function returns all views, including those marked internal:

SELECT * FROM duckdb_views();

The duckdb_views view returns views that are not marked as internal:

SELECT * FROM duckdb_views;


The duckdb_columns() function provides metadata about the columns available in the DuckDB instance.

Column Description Type
database_name The name of the database that contains the column object. VARCHAR
database_oid Internal identifier of the database that contains the column object. BIGINT
schema_name The SQL name of the schema that contains the table object that defines this column. VARCHAR
schema_oid Internal identifier of the schema object that contains the table of the column. BIGINT
table_name The SQL name of the table that defines the column. VARCHAR
table_oid Internal identifier (name) of the table object that defines the column. BIGINT
column_name The SQL name of the column. VARCHAR
column_index The unique position of the column within its table. INTEGER
internal true if this column built-in, false if it is user-defined. BOOLEAN
column_default The default value of the column (expressed in SQL) VARCHAR
is_nullable true if the column can hold NULL values; false if the column cannot hold NULL-values. BOOLEAN
data_type The name of the column datatype. VARCHAR
data_type_id The internal identifier of the column data type. BIGINT
character_maximum_length Always NULL. DuckDB text types do not enforce a value length restriction based on a length type parameter. INTEGER
numeric_precision The number of units (in the base indicated by numeric_precision_radix) used for storing column values. For integral and approximate numeric types, this is the number of bits. For decimal types, this is the number of digits positions. INTEGER
numeric_precision_radix The number-base of the units in the numeric_precision column. For integral and approximate numeric types, this is 2, indicating the precision is expressed as a number of bits. For the decimal type this is 10, indicating the precision is expressed as a number of decimal positions. INTEGER
numeric_scale Applicable to decimal type. Indicates the maximum number of fractional digits (i.e., the number of digits that may appear after the decimal separator). INTEGER

The information_schema.columns system view provides a more standardized way to obtain metadata about database columns, but the duckdb_columns function also returns metadata about DuckDB internal objects. (In fact, information_schema.columns is implemented as a query on top of duckdb_columns())


The duckdb_constraints() function provides metadata about the constraints available in the DuckDB instance.

Column Description Type
database_name The name of the database that contains the constraint. VARCHAR
database_oid Internal identifier of the database that contains the constraint. BIGINT
schema_name The SQL name of the schema that contains the table on which the constraint is defined. VARCHAR
schema_oid Internal identifier of the schema object that contains the table on which the constraint is defined. BIGINT
table_name The SQL name of the table on which the constraint is defined. VARCHAR
table_oid Internal identifier (name) of the table object on which the constraint is defined. BIGINT
constraint_index Indicates the position of the constraint as it appears in its table definition. BIGINT
constraint_type Indicates the type of constraint. Applicable values are CHECK, FOREIGN KEY, PRIMARY KEY, NOT NULL, UNIQUE. VARCHAR
constraint_text The definition of the constraint expressed as a SQL-phrase. (Not necessarily a complete or syntactically valid DDL-statement.) VARCHAR
expression If constraint is a check constraint, the definition of the condition being checked, otherwise NULL. VARCHAR
constraint_column_indexes An array of table column indexes referring to the columns that appear in the constraint definition. BIGINT[]
constraint_column_names An array of table column names appearing in the constraint definition. VARCHAR[]

The information_schema.referential_constraints and information_schema.table_constraints system views provide a more standardized way to obtain metadata about constraints, but the duckdb_constraints function also returns metadata about DuckDB internal objects. (In fact, information_schema.referential_constraints and information_schema.table_constraints are implemented as a query on top of duckdb_constraints())


The duckdb_databases() function lists the databases that are accessible from within the current DuckDB process. Apart from the database associated at startup, the list also includes databases that were attached later on to the DuckDB process

Column Description Type
database_name The name of the database, or the alias if the database was attached using an ALIAS-clause. VARCHAR
database_oid The internal identifier of the database. VARCHAR
path The file path associated with the database. VARCHAR
internal true indicates a system or built-in database. False indicates a user-defined database. BOOLEAN
type The type indicates the type of RDBMS implemented by the attached database. For DuckDB databases, that value is duckdb. VARCHAR


The duckdb_dependencies() function provides metadata about the dependencies available in the DuckDB instance.

Column Description Type
classid Always 0 BIGINT
objid The internal id of the object. BIGINT
objsubid Always 0 INTEGER
refclassid Always 0 BIGINT
refobjid The internal id of the dependent object. BIGINT
refobjsubid Always 0 INTEGER
deptype The type of dependency. Either regular (n) or automatic (a). VARCHAR


The duckdb_extensions() function provides metadata about the extensions available in the DuckDB instance.

Column Description Type
extension_name The name of the extension. VARCHAR
loaded true if the extension is loaded, false if it's not loaded. BOOLEAN
installed true if the extension is installed, false if it's not installed. BOOLEAN
install_path (BUILT-IN) if the extension is built-in, otherwise, the filesystem path where binary that implements the extension resides. VARCHAR
description Human readable text that describes the extension's functionality. VARCHAR
aliases List of alternative names for this extension. VARCHAR[]


The duckdb_functions() function provides metadata about the functions (including macros) available in the DuckDB instance.

Column Description Type
database_name The name of the database that contains this function. VARCHAR
schema_name The SQL name of the schema where the function resides. VARCHAR
function_name The SQL name of the function. VARCHAR
function_type The function kind. Value is one of: table,scalar,aggregate,pragma,macro VARCHAR
description Description of this function (always NULL) VARCHAR
return_type The logical data type name of the returned value. Applicable for scalar and aggregate functions. VARCHAR
parameters If the function has parameters, the list of parameter names. VARCHAR[]
parameter_types If the function has parameters, a list of logical data type names corresponding to the parameter list. VARCHAR[]
varargs The name of the data type in case the function has a variable number of arguments, or NULL if the function does not have a variable number of arguments. VARCHAR
macro_definition If this is a macro, the SQL expression that defines it. VARCHAR
has_side_effects false if this is a pure function. true if this function changes the database state (like sequence functions nextval() and curval()). BOOLEAN
function_oid The internal identifier for this function BIGINT


The duckdb_indexes() function provides metadata about secondary indexes available in the DuckDB instance.

Column Description Type
database_name The name of the database that contains this index. VARCHAR
database_oid Internal identifier of the database containing the index. BIGINT
schema_name The SQL name of the schema that contains the table with the secondary index. VARCHAR
schema_oid Internal identifier of the schema object. BIGINT
index_name The SQL name of this secondary index. VARCHAR
index_oid The object identifier of this index. BIGINT
table_name The name of the table with the index. VARCHAR
table_oid Internal identifier (name) of the table object. BIGINT
is_unique true if the index was created with the UNIQUE modifier, false if it was not. BOOLEAN
is_primary Always false BOOLEAN
expressions Always NULL VARCHAR
sql The definition of the index, expressed as a CREATE INDEX SQL statement. VARCHAR

Note that duckdb_indexes only provides metadata about secondary indexes – i.e., those indexes created by explicit CREATE INDEX statements. Primary keys, foreign keys, and UNIQUE constraints are maintained using indexes, but their details are included in the duckdb_constraints() function.


The duckdb_keywords() function provides metadata about DuckDB's keywords and reserved words.

Column Description Type
keyword_name The keyword. VARCHAR
keyword_category Indicates the category of the keyword. Values are column_name, reserved, type_function and unreserved. VARCHAR


The duckdb_memory() function provides metadata about DuckDB's buffer manager.

Column Description Type
memory_usage_bytes The memory used (in bytes). BIGINT
temporary_storage_bytes The disk storage used (in bytes). BIGINT


The duckdb_optimizers() function provides metadata about the optimization rules (e.g., expression_rewriter, filter_pushdown) available in the DuckDB instance. These can be selectively turned off using PRAGMA disabled_optimizers.

Column Description Type
name The name of the optimization rule. VARCHAR


The duckdb_schemas() function provides metadata about the schemas available in the DuckDB instance.

Column Description Type
oid Internal identifier of the schema object. BIGINT
database_name The name of the database that contains this schema. VARCHAR
database_oid Internal identifier of the database containing the schema. BIGINT
schema_name The SQL name of the schema. VARCHAR
internal true if this is an internal (built-in) schema, false if this is a user-defined schema. BOOLEAN

The information_schema.schemata system view provides a more standardized way to obtain metadata about database schemas.


The duckdb_secrets() function provides metadata about the secrets available in the DuckDB instance.

Column Description Type
name The name of the secret. VARCHAR
type The type of the secret, e.g., S3, GCS, R2, AZURE. VARCHAR
provider The provider of the secret. VARCHAR
persistent Denotes whether the secret is persisent. BOOLEAN
storage The backend for storing the secret. VARCHAR
scope The scope of the secret. VARCHAR[]
secret_string Returns the content of the secret as a string. Sensitive pieces of information, e.g., they access key, are redacted. VARCHAR


The duckdb_sequences() function provides metadata about the sequences available in the DuckDB instance.

Column Description Type
database_name The name of the database that contains this sequence VARCHAR
database_oid Internal identifier of the database containing the sequence. BIGINT
schema_name The SQL name of the schema that contains the sequence object. VARCHAR
schema_oid Internal identifier of the schema object that contains the sequence object. BIGINT
sequence_name The SQL name that identifies the sequence within the schema. VARCHAR
sequence_oid The internal identifier of this sequence object. BIGINT
temporary Whether this sequence is temporary. Temporary sequences are transient and only visible within the current connection. BOOLEAN
start_value The initial value of the sequence. This value will be returned when nextval() is called for the very first time on this sequence. BIGINT
min_value The minimum value of the sequence. BIGINT
max_value The maximum value of the sequence. BIGINT
increment_by The value that is added to the current value of the sequence to draw the next value from the sequence. BIGINT
cycle Whether the sequence should start over when drawing the next value would result in a value outside the range. BOOLEAN
last_value null if no value was ever drawn from the sequence using nextval(...). 1 if a value was drawn. BIGINT
sql The definition of this object, expressed as SQL DDL-statement. VARCHAR

Attributes like temporary, start_value etc. correspond to the various options available in the CREATE SEQUENCE statement and are documented there in full. Note that the attributes will always be filled out in the duckdb_sequences resultset, even if they were not explicitly specified in the CREATE SEQUENCE statement.

  1. The column name last_value suggests that it contains the last value that was drawn from the sequence, but that is not the case. It's either null if a value was never drawn from the sequence, or 1 (when there was a value drawn, ever, from the sequence).

  2. If the sequence cycles, then the sequence will start over from the boundary of its range, not necessarily from the value specified as start value.


The duckdb_settings() function provides metadata about the settings available in the DuckDB instance.

Column Description Type
name Name of the setting. VARCHAR
value Current value of the setting. VARCHAR
description A description of the setting. VARCHAR
input_type The logical datatype of the setting's value. VARCHAR

The various settings are described in the configuration page.


The duckdb_tables() function provides metadata about the base tables available in the DuckDB instance.

Column Description Type
database_name The name of the database that contains this table VARCHAR
database_oid Internal identifier of the database containing the table. BIGINT
schema_name The SQL name of the schema that contains the base table. VARCHAR
schema_oid Internal identifier of the schema object that contains the base table. BIGINT
table_name The SQL name of the base table. VARCHAR
table_oid Internal identifier of the base table object. BIGINT
internal false if this is a user-defined table. BOOLEAN
temporary Whether this is a temporary table. Temporary tables are not persisted and only visible within the current connection. BOOLEAN
has_primary_key true if this table object defines a PRIMARY KEY. BOOLEAN
estimated_size The estimated number of rows in the table. BIGINT
column_count The number of columns defined by this object. BIGINT
index_count The number of indexes associated with this table. This number includes all secondary indexes, as well as internal indexes generated to maintain PRIMARY KEY and/or UNIQUE constraints. BIGINT
check_constraint_count The number of check constraints active on columns within the table. BIGINT
sql The definition of this object, expressed as SQL CREATE TABLE-statement. VARCHAR

The information_schema.tables system view provides a more standardized way to obtain metadata about database tables that also includes views. But the resultset returned by duckdb_tables contains a few columns that are not included in information_schema.tables.


The duckdb_temporary_files() function provides metadata about the temporary files DuckDB has written to disk, to offload data from memory. This function mostly exists for debugging and testing purposes.

Column Description Type
path The name of the temporary file. VARCHAR
size The size in bytes of the temporary file. BIGINT


The duckdb_types() function provides metadata about the data types available in the DuckDB instance.

Column Description Type
database_name The name of the database that contains this schema. VARCHAR
database_oid Internal identifier of the database that contains the data type. BIGINT
schema_name The SQL name of the schema containing the type definition. Always main. VARCHAR
schema_oid Internal identifier of the schema object. BIGINT
type_name The name or alias of this data type. VARCHAR
type_oid The internal identifier of the data type object. If NULL, then this is an alias of the type (as identified by the value in the logical_type column). BIGINT
type_size The number of bytes required to represent a value of this type in memory. BIGINT
logical_type The 'canonical' name of this data type. The same logical_type may be referenced by several types having different type_names. VARCHAR
type_category The category to which this type belongs. Data types within the same category generally expose similar behavior when values of this type are used in expression. For example, the NUMERIC type_category includes integers, decimals, and floating point numbers. VARCHAR
internal Whether this is an internal (built-in) or a user object. BOOLEAN


The duckdb_variables() function provides metadata about the variables available in the DuckDB instance.

Column Description Type
name The name of the variable, e.g., x. VARCHAR
value The value of the variable, e.g. 12. VARCHAR
type The type of the variable, e.g., INTEGER. VARCHAR


The duckdb_views() function provides metadata about the views available in the DuckDB instance.

Column Description Type
database_name The name of the database that contains this view. VARCHAR
database_oid Internal identifier of the database that contains this view. BIGINT
schema_name The SQL name of the schema where the view resides. VARCHAR
schema_oid Internal identifier of the schema object that contains the view. BIGINT
view_name The SQL name of the view object. VARCHAR
view_oid The internal identifier of this view object. BIGINT
internal true if this is an internal (built-in) view, false if this is a user-defined view. BOOLEAN
temporary true if this is a temporary view. Temporary views are not persistent and are only visible within the current connection. BOOLEAN
column_count The number of columns defined by this view object. BIGINT
sql The definition of this object, expressed as SQL DDL-statement. VARCHAR

The information_schema.tables system view provides a more standardized way to obtain metadata about database views that also includes base tables. But the resultset returned by duckdb_views contains also definitions of internal view objects as well as a few columns that are not included in information_schema.tables.