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1.1.3 (stable)
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PostgreSQL Compatibility

DuckDB's SQL dialect closely follows the conventions of the PostgreSQL dialect. The few exceptions to this are listed on this page.

Floating-Point Arithmetic

DuckDB and PostgreSQL handle floating-point arithmetic differently for division by zero. DuckDB conforms to the IEEE Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic (IEEE 754) for both division by zero and operations involving infinity values. PostgreSQL returns an error for division by zero but aligns with IEEE 754 for handling infinity values. To show the differences, run the following SQL queries:

SELECT 1.0 / 0.0 AS x;
SELECT 0.0 / 0.0 AS x;
SELECT -1.0 / 0.0 AS x;
SELECT 'Infinity'::FLOAT / 'Infinity'::FLOAT AS x;
SELECT 1.0 / 'Infinity'::FLOAT AS x;
SELECT 'Infinity'::FLOAT - 'Infinity'::FLOAT AS x;
SELECT 'Infinity'::FLOAT - 1.0 AS x;
Expression PostgreSQL DuckDB IEEE 754
1.0 / 0.0 error Infinity Infinity
0.0 / 0.0 error NaN NaN
-1.0 / 0.0 error -Infinity -Infinity
'Infinity' / 'Infinity' NaN NaN NaN
1.0 / 'Infinity' 0.0 0.0 0.0
'Infinity' - 'Infinity' NaN NaN NaN
'Infinity' - 1.0 Infinity Infinity Infinity

Division on Integers

When computing division on integers, PostgreSQL performs integer division, while DuckDB performs float division:

SELECT 1 / 2 AS x;

PostgreSQL returns:

(1 row)

DuckDB returns:


To perform integer division in DuckDB, use the // operator:

SELECT 1 // 2 AS x;

UNION of Boolean and Integer Values

The following query fails in PostgreSQL but successfully completes in DuckDB:

SELECT true AS x

PostgreSQL returns an error:

ERROR:  UNION types boolean and integer cannot be matched

DuckDB performs an enforced cast, therefore, it completes the query and returns the following:


Case Sensitivity for Quoted Identifiers

PostgreSQL is case-insensitive. The way PostgreSQL achieves case insensitivity is by lowercasing unquoted identifiers within SQL, whereas quoting preserves case, e.g., the following command creates a table named mytable but tries to query for MyTaBLe because quotes preserve the case.

ERROR:  relation "MyTaBLe" does not exist

PostgreSQL does not only treat quoted identifiers as case-sensitive, PostgreSQL treats all identifiers as case-sensitive, e.g., this also does not work:

CREATE TABLE "PreservedCase"(x INT);
SELECT * FROM PreservedCase;
ERROR:  relation "preservedcase" does not exist

Therefore, case-insensitivity in PostgreSQL only works if you never use quoted identifiers with different cases.

For DuckDB, this behavior was problematic when interfacing with other tools (e.g., Parquet, Pandas) that are case-sensitive by default - since all identifiers would be lowercased all the time. Therefore, DuckDB achieves case insensitivity by making identifiers fully case insensitive throughout the system but preserving their case.

In DuckDB, the scripts above complete successfully:

CREATE TABLE "PreservedCase"(x INT);
SELECT * FROM PreservedCase;
SELECT table_name FROM duckdb_tables();

PostgreSQL's behavior of lowercasing identifiers is accessible using the preserve_identifier_case option:

SET preserve_identifier_case = false;
SELECT table_name FROM duckdb_tables();

However, the case insensitive matching in the system for identifiers cannot be turned off.

Using Double Equality Sign for Comparison

DuckDB supports both = and == for quality comparison, while Postgres only supports =.

SELECT 1 == 1 AS t;

DuckDB returns:

│    t    │
│ boolean │
│ true    │

Postgres returns:

postgres=# SELECT 1 == 1 AS t;
ERROR:  operator does not exist: integer == integer
LINE 1: SELECT 1 == 1 AS t;

Note that the use of == is not encouraged due to its limited portability.

Vacuuming tables

In PostgreSQL, the VACUUM statement garbage collects tables and analyzes tables. In DuckDB, the VACUUM statement is only used to rebuild statistics. For instruction on reclaiming space, refer to the “Reclaiming space” page.


to_date Function

DuckDB does not support the to_date PostgreSQL date formatting function. Instead, please use the strptime function.

current_date / current_time / current_timestamp

DuckDB's current_date and current_time pseudo-columns return the current date (as DATE) and time (as TIME) in UTC, whereas PostgreSQL returns the current date (as DATE) in the configured local timezone and time as TIMETZ. For the current time in the configured timezone, still as regular TIME, DuckDB offers the function current_localtime().

Both DuckDB and PostgreSQL return current_timestamp as TIMESTAMPTZ. DuckDB additionally offers current_localtimestamp(), which returns the time in the configured timezone as TIMESTAMP.

DuckDB does not currently offer current_localdate(); though this can be computed via current_timestamp::DATE or current_localtimestamp()::DATE.

See the DuckDB blog entry on time zones for more information on timestamps and timezones and DuckDB's handling thereof.

Resolution of Type Names in the Schema

For CREATE TABLE statements, DuckDB attempts to resolve type names in the schema where a table is created. For example:

CREATE TYPE myschema.mytype AS ENUM ('as', 'df');
CREATE TABLE myschema.mytable (v mytype);

PostgreSQL returns an error on the last statement:

ERROR:  type "mytype" does not exist
LINE 1: CREATE TABLE myschema.mytable (v mytype);

DuckDB runs the statement and creates the table successfully, confirmed by the following query:

DESCRIBE myschema.mytable;
│ column_name │   column_type    │  null   │   key   │ default │  extra  │
│   varchar   │     varchar      │ varchar │ varchar │ varchar │ varchar │
│ v           │ ENUM('as', 'df') │ YES     │ NULL    │ NULL    │ NULL    │