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HTTP Parquet Import

To load a Parquet file over HTTP(S), the httpfs extension is required. This can be installed using the INSTALL SQL command. This only needs to be run once.

INSTALL httpfs;

To load the httpfs extension for usage, use the LOAD SQL command:

LOAD httpfs;

After the httpfs extension is set up, Parquet files can be read over http(s):

SELECT * FROM read_parquet('https://⟨domain⟩/path/to/file.parquet');

For example:

SELECT * FROM read_parquet('');

The function read_parquet can be omitted if the URL ends with .parquet:

SELECT * FROM read_parquet('');

Moreover, the read_parquet function itself can also be omitted thanks to DuckDB's replacement scan mechanism:

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Last modified: 2024-07-22